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Fucking Assholes!!!


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So, I decide to take out the Goat and get a cup of coffee this morning from Starbucks and an asshole invades my life. As I am pulling into the entrance (correctly) an asshole 45-55 year old guy driving a 4-Runner pulls up very quickly into the entrance and blocks me from going in. My windows are down so I yell at him to back up so I can get in. He yells at me to "go around". I can't go around him since I can't jump 8 inch high curbs in my GTO, and I even tell the guy that but he just doesn't get it, so he just sits there. So we are sitting there with me unable to go forward because of him or backwards because of traffic in the road. At this point I'm pretty pissed so I get out of the car and go up to his window and say, "dude, why are you being an asshole? Just back up, I can't go around." His response to me is, "You know you aren't supposed to get out of your car", WTF?!?!?!?!?!


We stay in this situation until a cop tries to pull into the Starbucks and makes the guy move his car. Why the hell do people have to be such assholes for no reason? Damn, it just pissed me off so I had to vent here so I don't go out and punch somebody.

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So this morning I'm cruising in my 4runner and decide that 4 Venti quad pumpkin spice lattes arent enough, and I need another. So I go to pull in to starbucks but this shitstain in a pontiac sunfire or something starts pussyfooting around. I jump forward because he won't make up his mind, but his tampon must've been chafing because he gets out of his car and starts trying to bro down outside my car. I tell him he's not supposed to leave his car running in the street, as it's a safety hazard, but he just keeps screaming something about ground clearance and curbs. I told him I had plenty of ground clearance to hop it but I didn't want to destroy the grass.


Anyways, the cops show up and told me to just move along and they'll make sure the guy got the ass pounding he needed.

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So this morning I'm cruising in my 4runner and decide that 4 Venti quad pumpkin spice lattes arent enough, and I need another. So I go to pull in to starbucks but this shitstain in a pontiac sunfire or something starts pussyfooting around. I jump forward because he won't make up his mind, but his tampon must've been chafing because he gets out of his car and starts trying to bro down outside my car. I tell him he's not supposed to leave his car running in the street, as it's a safety hazard, but he just keeps screaming something about ground clearance and curbs. I told him I had plenty of ground clearance to hop it but I didn't want to destroy the grass.


Anyways, the cops show up and told me to just move along and they'll make sure the guy got the ass pounding he needed.


Bwahahahahahahahaha. Just lost all my desire to punch people, lol.

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Something seem strange, like why did he even do that?


I thought the same thing, that's why I kept asking him why he was acting that way. I can only guess that he was having a bad morning. My tone speaking to him was one of trying to be reasonable and figure out why he was acting that way, I wasn't talking any shit to him at all.

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Some folks have no understanding of the most basic common courtesys, nor bother to consider how they might act in a reversal of roles. I'm sure this person would likely throw a fit a toddler would be envious of if it were him that were blocked. Best thing you can do is write it off.
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Hahaha, really, buddy? How many times have you and I blocked an entrance/exit or even an entire 2 lane road? Karma...


I guess it's true, people treat you and I differently. The other day heading south of Cbus on 23 there was an accident and everyone had to get over to one lane in stop and go traffic. Guy wouldn't let me over and tried to pull the ol, "Im not gonna look at you so you don't exist" move.


So, when the guy wouldn't budge and it was obvious he was just going to be a jerk, I did the same. When our front bumpers were almost touching and my window was along side his (I had to move left into his lane and everyone was being courteous but this guy) I fuckin looked right down at him and said, "Are you really not going to fucking let me in? You don't fucking see people trying to merge you inconsiderate prick?!" Of course, he waves me on with a bit of fear in eyes as I say, "That's what I thought, asshole. Let's see how much of a prick you can act when I force you to acknowledge me!" People have a much harder time being assholes when force them eye to eye.


Then I pulled in front of him. Two gay guys in a crv, (Yes, they were gay. There were blatant clues) who had been very polite about moving over and holding traffic while I moved over, etc.) just laughed there asses off. I'm betting they were glad they had been so polite to me. lol


The world is full of bastard coated bastards with bastard filling. It's just that some of us have more filling than others. ;)

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No, I was turning right into the Enter Only entrance and once my car was a little more than half way in he flew up to me. It's room for 1 line of cars with barriers on either side for like 10ft. before you actually get into the parking area.


Anyways, I'm obviously over it, I just had to vent yesterday morning. And for the record, when me and you (Christian) block a 2-lane road it's not intentionally to be assholes, and we only block it for a second before going very fast to make up for it, lol.

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Shit like this just makes me scratch my head. I had a situation similar to this a few years ago that didnt turn out peaceful. It ended up in a brawl in the middle of the street, costing me attorney fees and a wreckless op because I crashed in to him after the fight. Damn did it make me feel good but I also learned a valuable lesson. I choose to stay in the car now days.
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Shit like this just makes me scratch my head. I had a situation similar to this a few years ago that didnt turn out peaceful. It ended up in a brawl in the middle of the street, costing me attorney fees and a wreckless op because I crashed in to him after the fight. Damn did it make me feel good but I also learned a valuable lesson. I choose to stay in the car now days.


god, you are a bigger fucking idiot than i originally suspected.

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