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Toys R Us= Giant Fail


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My only thought is, be careful of who you throw under the bus. You complain about the bikers but they probably went through the proper channels and got permission. Now if you bitch that they get to and you don't, they may pull their permission. The only one to lose here are the ones getting the donations.
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Oh I fully am prepared to fire a letter to Toys R Us corp office. I dont know how many different calls/emails can be done and were done in the order several managers informed us of. Absolutely insane!


I also find it odd that I give Meijers the same exact information that was given to Toys R Us and was given permission within 5 mins of speaking to the store director and Meijers store director stated they also have a no solicitating policy but said we clearly werent doing so, so I wonder why it was so hard for T r u to see that... /end rant!

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Your really not upset that a store has a policy that you dont agree with are you? No matter if they chose to be a hipocrite, they didnt feel it was viable at the time, or they didnt chose to allow it because they didnt like your email address, why are they not allowed to do whatever the hell they want? This is a very easy concept to understand, dont patronize them. I will never understand why people get upset because their opinion differs from theirs. I can undestand if you seek clarity in understanding why their opinion is what it is but to feel so passionately that your opinion should supercede theirs to the point your almost vengeful. I dont get it. I sometimes feel the same way about somethings but I understand my thinking is sometimes flawed.
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OR, you simply show up with your group park together and go buy the toys.


yeah I'm sure they will call the cops. "Hello, CPD, we just had 50 cars roll in our parking lot and park, they all got out and came in and they are buying up everything we have for sale. Help!"

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Ok so this just got a whole lot better...not. I emailed the people at "rolling thunder" asking if they was legit and all that, this is what I just got back:


"I know we went through Toys R Us - and that was 24 years ago, so I do not know where/how you get permission to do yours but they should know there (Toys R Us).


We are just 6 friends who get together and donate their time, monies, etc.


Our Name? We have the name for the website (pretty much) to share with all - etc. We built and pay yearly for the website, out of pocket which is not much.


Hoped this help"



So basically Toys R Us can eat a dick because they weren't here in Heath 24 years ago for starters.

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They aren't a legit charity, they are the same type of people as me and my friends. Yet they were given permission. I don't believe the 24 years ago unless they met in a different city becasue our Toys R Us hasn't been here more then 15 years tops. Just irritated again by this whole situation I guess, oh well fuck it. I won't take it any further than here, simply because I don't want to ruin the bikers event. I just know I have now boycotted buying stuff at toys r us along with a lot of my friends (doubt it makes much of a difference in the big picture but it makes me feel better haha)
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Your really boycotting a store because they wont allow you for one reason or another to hold a toy drive, despite the fact they have allowed someone else? What if every week of the year during the months of november and december groups were asking to do the same thing, are they assholes because they feel its to much? Maybe someone who works there knows of your group or someone in your group who has done something or said something at somepoint throughout history that toys r us doesnt agree with nor wants to align themselves with but decided to let you guys down easy and say they just cant accomodate you. My point is you have no idea why they chose not to allow you to do it, focus on what your true goal is. Trust me after nearly 2 decades of doing charitable work, this is only the tip of the iceburg of people telling you no. No matter how good you feel your intentions are, they are yours and those of your group, toys r us has their own intentions and as far as I can tell they donate millions a year just in toys alone, not to mention employee time which is donated, disaster relief donations ect. Get into the season and let this thing go, you never know who works at toys r us, who knows someone that works there, who owns a business and was considering contributing to your cause but looks at this thread and says to himself after reading this thread "there is noway in hell I am getting involved with this guy or his group if this is how he handles things when they dont go his way". The next thing you know you just missed out on a $10million dollar donation.
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Toys R Us hates Hondas. That's the only logical explanation.


I just spit my Pepsi out all over my keyboard!


But as for the whole Toys R Us thing, its our decision to not shop at that store as well as others that agree with us. We feel were not being given the time of day for trying to help local kids. The b.s response of "we are strictly committed to one charity" is crap! After sending at least 6-7 emails about receiving permission to just gather in the parking lot, and at least 5 calls to corp, thats the shitty, generic respone we got. I clearly stated that we were NOT setting up any booths or putting up any signs and we were NOT asking for any donations, we still got shut down. Their response over the phone the last time was "we have a no soliciting policy".


Kind of funny to me that Meijer's has the same no soliciting policy, but there store director seen what we were doing as NO SOLICITING and as long as no signs and no booths were set up, he was perfectly ok with us simply using the parking lot and shopping at his store.


end rant/

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Small world. Turns out my wife's uncle runs that store.




When I started telling her about this - before the being denied permission part - she told me, "that's not up to him, corporate runs everything there." I guess she tried getting donations for some raffle / charity event before.


So, I still don't agree with the store's decision, but rest assured that the call really was made at a higher level than the local store.

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