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Anybody playing Elder Scrolls:Skyrim ?


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It's cool bro, I'm African/American, I hold passports to countries on both continents.


I can legally stay on the continent of Africa for longer than people claiming to be African American.


Come at me brothers



and on the internet, i'm a 6'10" muay thai expert who has diplomatic immunity. so what?

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fucking dweebs


"I'm a Paladin with 18 charisma and 97 hit points. I can use my Helm of Disintegration and do one D4 damage as my half-elf mage wields his +5 Holy Avenger."

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Here's a random, epic battle that simply began with me exiting an area, casting my flame atronach, and preparing to jump on my horse when a dragon goes overhead. My horse wants to help me fight, so I move him to a safe spot. He seems pissed, but stuck. lol I move up a tight valley where I see the dragon attack 4 stormcloak soldiers and 4 Imperial soldiers who were already engaged in battle. My flame atro helps attack the dragon and the soldiers attention turns toward the dragon, as well. Dragon weakens the party with some flying flame action, lands, crunches a soldier in its jaws and proceeds to finish the rest off with some more flame action. As the dragon lifts again, I run into the dead, mis-time my RItual spell and only raise two of the dead. By now, my flame atro is back down the hill after the dragon with me and my 'newly risen' in chase.


Here's where it gets real crazy. Basically, the dragon makes a huge circle around the area I just exited. In the process, it pisses off quite a few things culminating in a full-on free-for-all involving quite the list of characters:


Myself - arrows, fire bolts, chain lightning flying; amongst a couple Shouts for the dragon and my Flame Atronach



2 cave bears

1 ice bear

1 witch

1 wild flame atronach (nobody casted it)

1 blood dragon


1 innocent mountain goat in the wrong place and the wrong time


(17 total creatures/humanoids fighting in this battle.)


These are just the things I know of. There may've been, and probably were, a couple other things that the dragon may've killed on his way the 'final battle' or things I missed.


The bears and dragon (I do believe one of the bears ran off after incurring mass damage) did most of the damage to everything and each other. The last bear and I helped to finish off the dragon. Afterward, I promptly finished the blood crazed bear and went to absorb a new dragon soul. There can be only one. :)


For those who don't play Skryim, all of this was completely random, as well. NO scripting.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Does anyone have a good guide to this thing? a few hours in and I'm already overwhelmed.


Definitly just refer to the wiki's, much faster and better IMHO than any guide as they get updated all the time with additional information, glitches, glitch fixes, etc. If you have any questions feel free to ask here/me.


The game is supposed to be "a bit much" because quite frankly they made the game so you don't ever "HAVE" to stop playing.


Few things to consider for those just starting.


- Absolutely sugguest the first thing you do is get married. Not only does this give you the option to "move into" her house right at the beginning to store your stuff, but if you pick an NPC that opens a shop you earn 100gold a day, and get a shop thats open 24hours a day at your house.


- Level up enchanting, smithing, and alchemy. Enchanting should go right down the middle, smithing (however you see fit but daedra is the best), and alchemy you just need the 100% alchemy boost nothing else.


-By using alchemy you can create better potions to boost smithing/alchemy, and back and forth to create some epic armor.


- I would try to concentrate your perks in 3-4 areas, especially from level 1-20+, the game will be much easier for you and your get more out of it.


- Also check out getting a companion very soon (plenty of them to choose from in Whiterun with the companions guild.) Besides the fact that they help kill things and soak up damage, you can trade them so they can "carry your burdens". :lolguy:

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I'm level 41 now and still feel as though I've only scratched the surface.


I have not done any of those cheap leveling tricks except to quickly level a Smithing stat to open up the next available perk. I think it takes away from the game if you hyper-level smithing/enchanting/alchemy, you just end up with ridiculously powerful weapons and armor that take away from the challenge.

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*Le Sigh*


BRB, going to go roll a new character...


(Be Orion, play 5 hours before deciding this shit ain't working like I want it to)



Be Orion, think that 5 hours of gameplay is too far in to just start playing the way you want to and fix your character that way.

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Be Orion, think that 5 hours of gameplay is too far in to just start playing the way you want to and fix your character that way.


Yeah, Orion is a bit OCD about stupid things like that. :fuuuu:


Be Orion, refer to yourself in the third person like a bauce. :fuckyeah:



Ask me about saving the game every 3 or 4 minutes so that I don't have to walk all the fucking way around High Hrothgar again. Seriously, Bethesda, you got loot, hire some programmers that can help you in the "game randomly crashes for no readily apparent reason" department.:yuno:

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I'm level 41 now and still feel as though I've only scratched the surface.


I have not done any of those cheap leveling tricks except to quickly level a Smithing stat to open up the next available perk. I think it takes away from the game if you hyper-level smithing/enchanting/alchemy, you just end up with ridiculously powerful weapons and armor that take away from the challenge.


Turn the difficulty up! Its what i did once I got my enchanting to level 100. Tonight I'll be getting alchemy up to level 100 as well I will likely turn the difficulty up some more. But i can more than see where you are coming from, if I walk around in normal I can pretty much one hit power attack anything besides dragons.


The dual perk enchanting is just really nice because I prefer heavy armor over robes and such, but now I can add regenerate and fortify magic, resist magic and such onto the armor and really be a battlemage. Level 45 here and I have yet to complete ANY quest line. I thought I finished the civil war but in my log book it doesn't say that I have finished it (Did nine quests)? Maybe someone knows something bout that.


I do think the next character I make will be a pure archery/sneaking character, maybe use two handed weapons as a backup.

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I do think the next character I make will be a pure archery/sneaking character, maybe use two handed weapons as a backup.


I'm a sneaky archer that can dual-weild like a motherfucker. My favorite is the double sneak attack equipment perks that I can use to get 30x damage with dagger sneak attack murders. I use J'zargo as my companion because he's got some great shock spells to soften up necromancers/other magical bitches.

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How are you getting these to 100 so fast? I have like 60 in Smithing, 30 in Enchant and 29 in alchemy. and I have been making potions, dis-enchanting weapons and creating iron daggers like a mother fucker. Just hit lvl 26 last night.

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How are you getting these to 100 so fast? I have like 60 in Smithing, 30 in Enchant and 29 in alchemy. and I have been making potions, dis-enchanting weapons and creating iron daggers like a mother fucker. Just hit lvl 26 last night.


to power-level smithing, just make iron daggers and leather bracers (if you run out of iron ingots). iron daggers are the best XP/cost ratio to level up. you can buy ingots/leather strips (or make your own), smith, fast travel to another location where you enchant with petty soul gems, then sell those back to a smith in another hold where you buy more ingots and start the process again. all in all it shouldnt take more than half an hour from where you are if you ONLY do smithing. obviously this will improve your enchanting skill as well.

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