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Carry in venues?

Otis Nice

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Going to the LC tomorrow night. I know the law passed that carry is allowed in establishments where alchohol is served. I don't drink so no worries on that front. Are we allowed to carry to venues? I'm assuming not but can't find info. I really don't want to NOT carry and I REALLY don't want to leave my pistol in the vehicle. Any insight?
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as a former employee, you cannot carry in there. If you do, the cops out front will not take it lightly lol


I will also be there tomorrow night, ill be stage left though, if i see you ill wave. (I dont work there anymore, just know the guys in CTE)

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as a former employee, you cannot carry in there. If you do, the cops out front will not take it lightly lol


I will also be there tomorrow night, ill be stage left though, if i see you ill wave. (I dont work there anymore, just know the guys in CTE)


what did you do there? My soon to be brother in law is one of the bar manager's. Todd Schmeler (no i didnt make that up). That and i know a girl who works "security" which is funny b/c shes like 120lbs but thats what she said.


oh back on topic, I would almost garantee they wont let you carry, with all the security and cops around i wouldnt want to be caught carrying in an area with posted sign's saying its not allowed.

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That's my take on everything. Thanks all. And I never had any intentions of being "that guy" or causing any type of trouble. It was late and I was groggy and needed answers. CR always has them...even if they're not always right. :)


Michael, that's sweet. I have a buddy that's friends with some of them. I'm taking my younger cousin and her friend. Saw them at the Newport and loved the show. I'm sure this one will be great too.

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