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What Would CR Do?


Alright,in 25 days, I will be making a temporary move to Salem, Oregon for my student-teaching internship at the School for the Deaf. I'm at a crossroad here.


Should I drive my car over there or fly and rent a car. Keep in mind my Saab is the pimp and I may be stuck with a Sebring for three months if I rent.


Both has its merits and cons.

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how close will you be to he school? is it in the city or in the burbs?


Ya, do you really need a car for how long you are going to be there?


Mass Transit



Bike maps with the school. Looks like the school is right in the heart of the city.



Then you can rent a car if you need one for a day or however long.

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To give you a better idea of my time:


Leave December 26th (if driving)

Try to get to Salem by December 31st the latest

Start internship January 2nd.


My concern is weather between here and there.


I will be staying 2 miles from the school but on the weekends, I'm planning on exploring the cities and surrounding states. Rental agencies will allow 125 miles free out of state before tackling a quarter per mile.

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I've heard driving across country is a great experience, but others have said nice but not worth the headache. I guess it depends if you want to put the miles on the car, or spend the money on a rental that you'll most likely despise. Pick your poison.
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To give you a better idea of my time:


Leave December 26th (if driving)

Try to get to Salem by December 31st the latest

Start internship January 2nd.


My concern is weather between here and there.


I will be staying 2 miles from the school but on the weekends, I'm planning on exploring the cities and surrounding states. Rental agencies will allow 125 miles free out of state before tackling a quarter per mile.


Is where you live on the bus line? If where you live is near the bus line this is a no-brainer. Monthly bus pass is $40.


Stop being a pussy about the weather, get a good coat, gloves, hat and shoes.


Rent a car in the rare event you really need one or want to get out of town. It's $25/day.


It's just not worth it to tack another 5k miles on your car and spend 3 or 4 days driving out there and another 3 or 4 days driving back if you are only spending 3 months out there.

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Do you like driving your car? From what you've said, you do. So DRIVE IT!


Don't let the weather scare you. Check the forecasts each night beforehand, adjust your route as necessary. Factor-in some spare time and money and make it an adventure you'll remember all your life.


Tell friends and family you need $$$ this Christmas as emergency funds for the trip. Ask for a AAA membership as a Christmas gift. Get all the maps and tour books of your route. See everything you can. Carpe diem!

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It's just not worth it to tack another 5k miles on your car and spend 3 or 4 days driving out there and another 3 or 4 days driving back if you are only spending 3 months out there.


:gtfo: I would agree if the destination were the only consideration. But it's the journey, dude, the journey that matters.

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See everything you can. Carpe diem!


This is a good point. Maybe try to take a week or two on the way back if he can. The weather will be better then.


On the way out, the google maps says to go through Cheyenne. While they do get some bad weather up there it's not nearly as treacherous as going through Colorado in the winter. IDK what SLC or that part of the country will be like driving through, never been through there.


Oh, and fuck Nebraska, that state sucks to drive across.


I would also counter that he would see a lot more of the city and the people if he didn't have a car while there.

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:gtfo: I would agree if the destination were the only consideration. But it's the journey, dude, the journey that matters.


100% agree.


Hell, I drove to Alabama for car mods..


I LOVE to drive, especially long distances, it's FUN!


Have you driven out west? It.fucking.sucks.


Well most anything (mostly parks) that's really worth seeing on his route will likely be closed down at least on his way out, and possibly on his way back. He also doesn't seem to have the luxury of taking his time on the way out.


But like I said, on the way back he could take a week or two, if he can and really make a cross country trip out of it.

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My car is made to drive, not sit. I have no concerns or cares about miles and wear/tear.


I do love driving. I can see your point about seeing more of the city if I did not have a car but Deaf events are far and few (Salem and Portland) and it just makes more sense for me to have a car all the time. I also have two friends living in Hillsboro and Corvallis so I'll be visiting them (mainly for free food and beer)


Right now, I think driving is the front runner.


I already looked into shipping, cheapest one I found was 1200 and flights are 300 or more. I can drive for less than half that.

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Have you driven out west? It.fucking.sucks.


Um, the answer to your question would be Hell Yes I have! :) I made my first trip to California out Route 66 in 1963. I remember it as if it were last week.


Wide open roads, mountain vistas, "colorful" locals ....... what's not to like?


You didn't drive just the Interstates when you went out there, did you Jesse?


Adventure's to be had wherever you are, whoever you are:



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Have you driven out west? It.fucking.sucks.


Well most anything (mostly parks) that's really worth seeing on his route will likely be closed down at least on his way out, and possibly on his way back. He also doesn't seem to have the luxury of taking his time on the way out.


But like I said, on the way back he could take a week or two, if he can and really make a cross country trip out of it.



Not sure if SRS.


I spent lots of time in Tucson & Phoenix.

Used to work across the street from UofA.


Yes, it's flat. But at least you get to look at cactus or drive up mountain park and have a thrill.

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Me and a friend drove from San Diego to Columbus in an S2000. Obviously it would have been a lot better in a car with more space, or at least reclining seats.


If I had the time, the cash, and a car I loved to drive, I'd take a trip to Oregon in a heartbeat. No question.

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