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Job application question


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Just a thought, how about you put your.....





in that box.

Well sum bitch, never thought of that...


Thank you Jones!


Don't put an hourly wage. Put what you need in a year.


Hadn't planned to put an hourly wage because that is obviously not a salary. I just don't want to shoot to high and them think I am crazy or shoot low and look like a loser and desperate.

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Dont discuss at the interview wait until they offer you the job then talk about wages. it is unprofessional to talk about money before getting the job. Usually The HR rep will talk to you when they call to offer you the position. IF they want you bad enough they will pay you what you want.
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Dont discuss at the interview wait until they offer you the job then talk about wages. it is unprofessional to talk about money before getting the job. Usually The HR rep will talk to you when they call to offer you the position. IF they want you bad enough they will pay you what you want.



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At most interviews I have been to they always ask what salary range you want to be in. At that time, I tell them where I want to be. The key here is to get the interview first. If you can get in the door and they like you then you can tell if you wanna shoot high or low. I have never been turned down for a position once I can get an interview. If I feel that I am knocking it out of the park then I will give them a high number. If I feel like it is going so so and I really want the job then I will go for the middle or low end of my range.
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"Open" is an acceptable response. I am a hiring manager and I've passed on resumes where the desired salary was higher then are most experienced employees but have never passed on someone who stated they were willing to be flexible. Where I work we have salary ranges and we have to stay inside them regardless. However, if someone puts they are willing to make $10 an hour and the salary band is $11-$15 we will hire them at $11.


The other side of this, as someone else already mentioned, is your experience. If your resume is solid the salary requirement will be less of an issue for an employer.

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