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The Duggars


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i bet they get a write off for each one of them, so yes, they probably do come at the expense of the country.


Wrong way to think.


Chances are excellent that these kids will actually grow up, stay out of jail, GET JOBS, and then pay INTO the system.


And likely do a shit ton of good deeds for other folks along the way.

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While I agree that they appear to be raising decent children, and I applaud them for doing it without .gov assistance, I still think anymore than 2-3 is too much. The world is already well on it's way towards overpopulation and 19 children is just ridiculous. They claim that their religion is against condoms, but what about pulling out? It's worked well for the majority of men for ages. Just imagine that all 19 of them probably have the same views as their parents, and are likely to pop-out 5+ offspring each, themselves.
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They seem to be raising good kids and they seem to be providing for all of them. I personally think they are crazy though. 5 kids absolutely rule my life and I am lucky to get time alone to take a shit. I could not imagine the madness associated with that many kids.
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They seem to be raising good kids and they seem to be providing for all of them. I personally think they are crazy though. 5 kids absolutely rule my life and I am lucky to get time alone to take a shit. I could not imagine the madness associated with that many kids.



What that many kids, the older ones take care of the younger ones.





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When your kids start having kids, it's time to call it quits. That miscarriage was already an aunt/uncle before it was even born. The problem is not one family having 19 productive, respectful children. It's millions having 4-6 welfare babies that are born into failure, with absolutely no chance at amounting to shit
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They have said they will continue to have kids until god decides it is time for them to stop.


Does this mean that they now will stop?


Or does it mean they will continue to have miscarriages until she is past menopause?




I don't really care what people do with their lives as long as they're handling it, and not the taxpayer, but the "when god tells me" shit is beyond obnoxious. The fact that people actually utter words like this regularly, is beyond confounding.

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So long as me or my fellow tax payers don't have the foot the bill, more power to them.

All the rest can DIAF.


Jim-Bob served in Congress, so yes the taxpayer has footed the bill.


Beyond that, I see no reason we should celebrate 19 future fundamentalist Christian voters but that's just my independently moral, religion-free view.



edit: beyond which is the social consequence of promoting a family like this on TV. Yes, they live debt-free and seem to have fair values, but why is this being portrayed as positive? If anything, having 19 kids is the perfect example of American excess and arrogance. Instead of promoting a Christian (or Muslim or Jewish or Sikh or what the fuck ever) family who does nothing out of the ordinary except live their lives well WITHOUT making their religion known to everyone they encounter, we instead are shown the inner workings of a fundamentalist family who actually believes they hear the word of God. I'm a vehement agnostic, but it makes me sick when arrogant religious shitheads pretend to be the humble lambs of God. I don't care what you believe, but believe it in private and don't try to involve me in your twisted-ass world view that pretends that they, who have been "blessed" with 19 well-fed children, are the greatest concern of God while children elsewhere in the world starve because one parent was killed in a war and the other parent struggles to make enough money to feed FOUR children let alone NINE-FUCKING-TEEN.


ok rant over

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I can't judge them for their decisions, but there are a lot of kids that need to be adopted out there. Just sayin'


Ditto. When it's time for me to have a family, they're all going to be adopted (most likely older kids since everyone wants the babies and I don't like babies) I don't want to add to the population

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I have no problem with people choosing to have 19 kids. I have a problem with morons who think God is grabbing hold if the husband's shaft and deciding, "Yes, yes, I shall bless them with another child!" Having 19 kids because you believe a sky fairy wants you to is sad and pathetic. Understand biology, raise a normal family.
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