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The Duggars


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Yes yes, you've made your position clear. You want to be a Duggar for whatever reason.


really? you read that much into my question


My criticism of the sky fairy wierdos stands.


No care.


I Still would like to know what you call normal. I suppose is calling any God or faith a fairy weirdo. what else makes up your normal?

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Having 19 kids is not normal, for any reasonable definition of the word "normal." Meaning: typical, usual, average. Numerically speaking.


I'm still confused. Just a few posts ago you said you have no problem with people choosing to have 19 kids. Now your saying they should have the typical 2.5 kids; numerically speaking :confused:


You said that your problem was with morons who think God is grabbing hold if the husband's shaft and deciding, "Yes, yes, I shall bless them with another child!" I'm cool with your thinking people of faith are morans....that's your opinion and again, I don't care.


It's when you stated raise a normal family, that's where I disagree with how you define normal. If they can afford 19 kids and raise them well (which knowing what I do, i stand by original statement that they could likely teach everyone a few things), it seems to me they are doing just fine.


If you call normal not having a faith of any kind and calling those who do morons, their God a Fairy Weirdo and that people should all just live average lives numerically speaking in terms of the number of children they should foster, then I would say you and I have a difference of opinion on the definition of a "normal" family. I'm fine with that difference. Just was clarifying your definition of normal is all.

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As I'm sure you're aware, any pregnancy over the age of 35 is consider high risk, and the risks increase the more pregnancies you have. Michelle Duggar is 45. Any doctor worth his oath would sit her down and explain to her how risky it is to have additional children at this point. He would cite study after study showing how the risks of birth defects, congenital disorders, and premature births increase exponentially with the age of both the mother AND the father.


Any sane person would weigh those risks, and also take into account that their youngest child was born three months early at a frighteningly low weight of one pound, 6 ounces, and their latest pregnancy ended in a late-term miscarriage. And you know what? She probably IS weighing those risks, but she feels she's unable to do anything about it because she's blinded by religion.


She's putting her current children through the pain of camping out in NICUs and dealing with the stress of losing babies. She's putting her future children at risk of lifelong problems. And she's doing it for all the wrong reasons. I don't care how great her family appears, I'm not going to condone her moronic behavior at this point.


Like I said originally, I have no problem with atypical family situations, including massive numbers of kids, as long as I feel the people involved are making rational decisions. The Duggars are not. You latched onto the use of the word "normal" when I didn't intend it to mean what you think I did. I never said that they _should_ be normal, I just said that if they understood biology, they _could_ be.

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Having 19 kids is not normal, for any reasonable definition of the word "normal." Meaning: typical, usual, average. Numerically speaking.


Nor is calling a shitbag 1990 integra a "racecar"


Your complete ignorance and lack of acceptance towards anything outside of your personal train of thought is what's wrong with the country. Not a self sustaining 21 person family, regardless of their beliefs.

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Her kid spent 4 months in the NICU because she chose to get pregnant at the age of 43 with a tired-ass uterus. I'm 100% positive that her doctors have tried to talk her out of having more children. Are they what's wrong with this country too?


Oh look, doctor pundits agree!




“I would advise her to consider stop having children. In my opinion, she has a duty to the children she already has not to incur unnecessary risk that may occur with trying to have another child. She needs to be there for the kids she already has,” Landa added. “Additionally, her odds of having a baby with special needs are extraordinarily high and this may take away time and resources from the other children. I feel for her because miscarriages are never easy. There are lots of hopes and dreams that are born with each positive pregnancy test, but in my opinion, it is time for her to hang up the baby booties.”
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As I'm sure you're aware, any pregnancy over the age of 35 is consider high risk, and the risks increase the more pregnancies you have. Michelle Duggar is 45. Any doctor worth his oath would sit her down and explain to her how risky it is to have additional children at this point. He would cite study after study showing how the risks of birth defects, congenital disorders, and premature births increase exponentially with the age of both the mother AND the father.




Any sane person would weigh those risks, and also take into account that their youngest child was born three months early at a frighteningly low weight of one pound, 6 ounces, and their latest pregnancy ended in a late-term miscarriage. And you know what? She probably IS weighing those risks, but she feels she's unable to do anything about it because she's blinded by religion.


You make some pretty big assumptions on why the family is pursuing another child. Funny thing is back even just 1-2 generations large families like this were not so odd. My father has 11 siblings and my wifes father is 1 of 18. Two completely different families that couldn't be more polar opposites in just about every way. This goes back to the 1930's and things were just fine.


She's putting her current children through the pain of camping out in NICUs and dealing with the stress of losing babies. She's putting her future children at risk of lifelong problems. And she's doing it for all the wrong reasons. I don't care how great her family appears, I'm not going to condone her moronic behavior at this point.


Again, pretty big assumptions and likely true for the "average" family. However, again, look at this family; they are pretty strong and put together. These kids are being mentally tortured. They actually understand quite well. Her reasons are exactly that, hers. And for someone such as yourself that doesn't like others to push their religious and personal thoughts onto you, you sure don't mind doing so in a pretty outspoken way right back. The irony here is strong.


Like I said originally, I have no problem with atypical family situations, including massive numbers of kids, as long as I feel the people involved are making rational decisions. The Duggars are not. You latched onto the use of the word "normal" when I didn't intend it to mean what you think I did. I never said that they _should_ be normal, I just said that if they understood biology, they _could_ be.


So they aren't normal because they put faith into the mix, yet they are obviously doing extremely well financially, have what appears to be a pretty close and strong family and give back to the community while balancing and supporting the tradition practices of medicine and yet they are the ones who are morons? Wow, I'm glad so many here are doing doing so much better then the Duggars. I'm fucking lucky to be among such a famed few. I would lay odds that mom has a far better understanding of biology, especially as it relates to child birth than you or anyone here outside a couple in the medical field.

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I would lay odds that mom has a far better understanding of biology, especially as it relates to child birth than you or anyone here outside a couple in the medical field.


I'll concede this point... she's spent enough time listening to doctors that she's probably sick of hearing about the risks she's putting herself and her fetuses through. And she'd probably be pretty happy if god just stopped knocking her up already. I'm sure she's not looking forward to getting pregnant again and going through another premie birth or a horrific miscarriage. My characterization of her as ignorant of biology was for entertainment purposes only, and on reflection doesn't fit the facts.


She still makes terrible decisions for terrible reasons, and I won't apologize for being a judgement prick, because it's the internet.

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Faith doesn't absolve people from being dumbasses. Again I am grateful that they at least take care of their kids, I can't hate on them for that. However, I look at a situation and calls it, hows I sees it. "God" did tell you not to have anymore kids, the last time you got pregnant and had a one pounder. "God" is doing it again,(he's in full control after all) you had a late miscarriage. Stop making babies, you are old, and you have enough. At some point we just have to question whether mom is simply addicted to pregnancy/fame/attention, and using her faith as an excuse to keep popping em out.
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so they have 19 kids, say every one of they're kids have a big family too.... christmas would be crazy, and they would honestly prolly be dead before they're youngest child had kids at this rate (and by youngest I'm referring to the last child she would birth which would possibly not be the youngest she has now.)
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