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RIP US Constitution, 1787-2011


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Why does it seem the end of the free world happens every other week? When democrats are in office its republicans and vice versa. We will never get a damn thing done until we become one country and not 4 acting like one. The first step is a neutral leader and government with common sense. Why can't we accomplish that simple task... because Americans are stupid.


The end

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The problems this country is facing will be solved exactly the way they were in 1776, With armed patriots. Regardless if Americans are too fat, too dumb, or too lazy, there are still men who will search deep down in their soul and fight against Tyranny.


See you on the battlefield my friends.

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Why does it seem the end of the free world happens every other week? When democrats are in office its republicans and vice versa. We will never get a damn thing done until we become one country and not 4 acting like one. The first step is a neutral leader and government with common sense. Why can't we accomplish that simple task... because Americans are stupid.


The end


True story.


OMG WE GOTTA GO BUY GUNS AND GO TO WAR. Solve the country's problems the same way as in 1776 eh? What? Fight the British?

Edited by kickass
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The problem with the country isn't the .gov. It's the stupid population that keeps electing them. And in the words of my boy, Ron White, "You can't fix stupid."


See what happens if you shoot "stupid" in the foot with bullets :gabe:

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Shit like this is exaclt why I get so fired up about our rights as citizens being violated. Like some of the police encounters that we hear about and stuff on here and people say oh just be quiet and be glad the cop didnt shoot you or some other bullshit explanation on why its ok that their rights were trampled on and they were mistreated. Fuck that shit. What are they gonna do take you to jail for disorderly conduct? Ill take my night in jail to get my point across and stand up for my rights. Crooked motherfuckers!!!!! ARRRR RAGE!!!!! This is where those little things escalate to. More and more of our rights are violated every day and nobody sems to stand up for themselves anymore. People tend to just take their lashing and walk away in shame and are glad that it was not a worse lashing. That is exactly why shit like this happens. People should look at whats happening in all these other countries and that should be motivation in itself to protect the rights that we have. Each individual should fight as hard as they can to keep and protect them. That is exactly why the government keeps growing and everything has become so heavily regulated. This is not a government for the people and by the people. This is a government over the people.
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The problems this country is facing will be solved exactly the way they were in 1776, With armed patriots. Regardless if Americans are too fat, too dumb, or too lazy, there are still men who will search deep down in their soul and fight against Tyranny.


See you on the battlefield my friends.


Hate to break it to you but in real life you don't respawn...

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To where?


An island somewhere in the Pacific


I'm cleaning out the farm house and stock piling shit x2 beginning this weekend.


Are you going to live there?




Ill bring the guns.


Good luck!! It'll be like bringing a pencil to a gun fight.


Hate to break it to you but in real life you don't respawn...


Are you sure? Some population of the world do believe in reincarnation.

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Are you sure? Some population of the world do believe in reincarnation.



True, but if they're right, running around killing other folks is going to get you respawned as some kind of disgusting vermin. Like President (choose Obama or Bush)

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