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BF3 Trol Vid


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The only thing I found remotely funny was how pissed people get. I won't give someone the satisfaction online for doing stupid shit like that. Let's not even talk about how pathetic a human being has to be to get their rocks off that way, either.
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haha yeah drive full speed into the enemy's main base with a humvee full of unsuspecting idiots looking around like wtf and you're all :lolguy: and they rpg you for the quad kill



It was great, you could ban people just be stepping in front of their vehicle or aircraft.


I think it was 3-4 team kills and you were banned for 60 minutes.


All you have to do is hang out by the airfield and jump in front of the jet.

Within 5-10 minutes you can have at least 3-4 people banned. That, or you watch them crash the jet trying to AVOID hitting you, which is enough to make you laugh yourself into tears.

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Thank you. I loved this. I am sooooooooo sick of people running to and waiting for aircraft in that game. They waste a slot an actual player could be filling so they can get zero kills and contribute nothing to their team. I'll admit to disabling aircraft myself but never occupied.
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The only thing I found remotely funny was how pissed people get. I won't give someone the satisfaction online for doing stupid shit like that. Let's not even talk about how pathetic a human being has to be to get their rocks off that way, either.


Somebody here has clearly been on the recieving end of game trolling.

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The only thing I found remotely funny was how pissed people get. I won't give someone the satisfaction online for doing stupid shit like that. Let's not even talk about how pathetic a human being has to be to get their rocks off that way, either.



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Somebody here has clearly been on the recieving end of game trolling.

Actually, no. I hardly play any online games and again, I refuse to give someone the satisfaction by getting upset like that when I do. I know why they're doing it. And if you do it, you know why, too. And you know what I say is true and what kind of person you are. You can tell yourself whatever you like to be ok with it; whatever excuses you need to make to feel good about yourself being a pos, but you know when you're full of it. lol


Honestly, I've rarely had any issues with griefers on any game. When I have, they really haven't had much impact on the game as I can always switch servers, etc. Not that they aren't annoying.



No. Why should I be mad that you are doing something that gives me valuable insight into what kind of person you are? ;)

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Actually, no. I hardly play any online games and again, I refuse to give someone the satisfaction by getting upset like that when I do. I know why they're doing it. And if you do it, you know why, too. And you know what I say is true and what kind of person you are. You can tell yourself whatever you like to be ok with it; whatever excuses you need to make to feel good about yourself being a pos, but you know when you're full of it. lol


Honestly, I've rarely had any issues with griefers on any game. When I have, they really haven't had much impact on the game as I can always switch servers, etc. Not that they aren't annoying.



No. Why should I be mad that you are doing something that gives me valuable insight into what kind of person you are? ;)







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Actually, no. I hardly play any online games and again, I refuse to give someone the satisfaction by getting upset like that when I do. I know why they're doing it. And if you do it, you know why, too. And you know what I say is true and what kind of person you are. You can tell yourself whatever you like to be ok with it; whatever excuses you need to make to feel good about yourself being a pos, but you know when you're full of it. lol


Honestly, I've rarely had any issues with griefers on any game. When I have, they really haven't had much impact on the game as I can always switch servers, etc. Not that they aren't annoying.



No. Why should I be mad that you are doing something that gives me valuable insight into what kind of person you are? ;)


lol. Quite the mad one here.


Strong logic. Personality/morals while playing game= Real life

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lol. Quite the mad one here.


Strong logic. Personality/morals while playing game= Real life


Quite the illogical one we have here? This may be too deep for you, so hold on... :p


When you're playing video games, you're also playing them in real life. You see, everything you do, including how you react in society; in whatever form of expression it maybe, is "real life". So, yes. You can deduce quite a bit from how a person reacts online, in video games, etc.


lol This wasn't really meant to be an in-depth discussion. I simply didn't find it as amusing as some of you. I had a feeling it would lead to this. ;)

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I think it's hilarious as I enjoy screaming in the mic at people too. I guess that means in reality I enjoy yelling at people as well. I must be fucked up.


Exactly. the only thing funny is how insane people got with their reactions.


true story, my buddy was playing madden on his xbox, takes a call while playing and tells his friend on the phone hes bartending at some place in delaware. After he hangs up a voice on his tv says "where in delaware do you bartend?" hes like WTF? his kinect was on the whole time and the dude he was playing with heard everything. So my friend says, "i didnt say anything about you did i?" "well you called me a fucking fagot for going for it on 4th and 2 but other than that no"



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Exactly. the only thing funny is how insane people got with their reactions.


true story, my buddy was playing madden on his xbox, takes a call while playing and tells his friend on the phone hes bartending at some place in delaware. After he hangs up a voice on his tv says "where in delaware do you bartend?" hes like WTF? his kinect was on the whole time and the dude he was playing with heard everything. So my friend says, "i didnt say anything about you did i?" "well you called me a fucking fagot for going for it on 4th and 2 but other than that no"




lol Now, that shit's funny.

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