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straight homoz (AZZHOODIE)


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What worries me the most about any conflict with Iran is the backing of China.

Iran just brought down the drone and I think the phucking chinese are behind it.

The chinese have over 1 billion of our debt, they have stolen our manufacturing and are now stealing our data.

Plus the chinese have the battleship busting missile.

Just my .02...


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What worries me the most about any conflict with Iran is the backing of China.

Iran just brought down the drone and I think the phucking chinese are behind it.

The chinese have over 1 billion of our debt, they have stolen our manufacturing and are now stealing our data.

Plus the chinese have the battleship busting missile.

Just my .02...



we would fuck china up. they have no navy, and are a sitting duck. plus, we arent the only ones with an interest in keeping that strait open for biz.

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Did you see the latest satellite photo, the chinese have a huge battleship floating.

I'd like to think we could beat them but in todays world setting not so fast.

If they have military intel that would/could slow us down



yes, they have ONE ship. good luck using that for troop transport, mobilizing your airforce, or anything meaningful. we have a fleet that trains regularly IN THE REGION and is ready to rock at a moments notice. plus its been online for what, a week? a month?


i don't doubt the economic power of china, but i have a really hard time believing it could materialize quickly into a strong military.

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Did you see the latest satellite photo, the chinese have a huge battleship floating.

I'd like to think we could beat them but in todays world setting not so fast.

If they have military intel that would/could slow us down



That battleship is a joke. All it says is they're trying to grow their capabilities. They're still decades or more away from having any naval power that's even close to where we are now.


China has a bunch of our debt? Haha, good luck collecting on that! Brb, printing more money, inflating shit, reducing the significance of their debt. If China (or anyone) thinks they can get one over on American businessmen, bankers, etc they're in for a rude awakening.

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That battleship is a joke. All it says is they're trying to grow their capabilities. They're still decades or more away from having any naval power that's even close to where we are now.


China has a bunch of our debt? Haha, good luck collecting on that! Brb, printing more money, inflating shit, reducing the significance of their debt. If China (or anyone) thinks they can get one over on American businessmen, bankers, etc they're in for a rude awakening.


yep, its only paper. guess where the assets are?

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That battleship is a joke. All it says is they're trying to grow their capabilities. They're still decades or more away from having any naval power that's even close to where we are now.


China has a bunch of our debt? Haha, good luck collecting on that! Brb, printing more money, inflating shit, reducing the significance of their debt. If China (or anyone) thinks they can get one over on American businessmen, bankers, etc they're in for a rude awakening.


So what you are saying is that we are the shadiest business men in the world.

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yes, they have ONE ship. good luck using that for troop transport, mobilizing your airforce, or anything meaningful. we have a fleet that trains regularly IN THE REGION and is ready to rock at a moments notice. plus its been online for what, a week? a month?


i don't doubt the economic power of china, but i have a really hard time believing it could materialize quickly into a strong military.


Thats what the world thought of the US in WWII

Our labor force was willing to do what ever it took but the chinese has a sh1tpot of slave labor.

And if you see 1 you can bet your bottom dollar there are more

Hey this is great having an intelligent debate...this is no crap thanks..


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Thats what the world thought of the US in WWII

Our labor force was willing to do what ever it took but the chinese has a sh1tpot of slave labor.

And if you see 1 you can bet your bottom dollar there are more

Hey this is great having an intelligent debate...this is no crap thanks..



In WW2 the US had help, lot's of help.


Who does China have? Iran? :dumb:

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Thats what the world thought of the US in WWII

Our labor force was willing to do what ever it took but the chinese has a sh1tpot of slave labor.

And if you see 1 you can bet your bottom dollar there are more

Hey this is great having an intelligent debate...this is no crap thanks..



Yes, the work force is wayyy different. We were/are motivated, and they are little more than pawns to the chinese government. They outnumber us but probably don't have the desire we do.


You don't see our Air Force pilots defecting to other countries like the chinese do.

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Thats what the world thought of the US in WWII

Our labor force was willing to do what ever it took but the chinese has a sh1tpot of slave labor.

And if you see 1 you can bet your bottom dollar there are more

Hey this is great having an intelligent debate...this is no crap thanks..



Are you implying there are more Chinese carriers? This carrier isn't even a half-assed attempt at rivaling US naval superiority. It's at best a stepping-stone that will get them some training and experience. Don't make the mistake of seeing an old hull of a Ukranian carrier and thinking they have a modern, state-of-the-art carrier group ready to go.

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I hope we resolve this peacefully without melting anyone or going to war with China.


Frankly, that should go without saying. You people rooting for this are sick fucks.


Jesus you tree hugging yuppy bitch, wah wah wah. No one is rooting for anything just stating support for the US military. God please go join your brother hood of piece of shit worthless government haters on Wall Street.

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NO the US had no help...Europe was neck deep in war..we did it all ourselves.


Talk to you later..gotta run






Before the US entered these countries have already been fighting the Germans for 3 years.


UK, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Canada, India, Soviet Union and the rest of Europe.


America was just the fresh pair of legs, very strong legs, but definitely wasn't alone. They were also not the only ones who entered after the attack on pearl harbor, just about every other country in the world also joined in.

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Jesus you tree hugging yuppy bitch, wah wah wah. No one is rooting for anything just stating support for the US military. God please go join your brother hood of piece of shit worthless government haters on Wall Street.




Iran has begun building their ships as tall as possible to increase the traffic-blocking abilities of their wreckage.


US vows to blow Iranian ships into smaller pieces
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