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LOL! Good luck getting this to pass....


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I think carry should be allowed on campuses. The gun locker idea is fucked though, accidental discharge chances would sky rocket! I mean hell the city range has holes in places from officers un/reholstering, could you imagine your average poorly trained permit holder!
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It's a good idea, if you allow principals or select people to have them. I totally see the psycho kid overpowering a teacher or another student that carries and killing all they are capable of with that weapon.
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It's a good idea, if you allow principals or select people to have them. I totally see the psycho kid overpowering a teacher or another student that carries and killing all they are capable of with that weapon.

If someone knows your carrying your doing it wrong

I hope we can carry on campuses sooner than later. Especially with the apparent rise in crime going on near the OSU campus lately.



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I totally see the psycho kid overpowering a teacher or another student that carries and killing all they are capable of with that weapon.


As opposed to that psycho kid just bringing a gun to go on a murderous rampage, thus avoiding the entire scuffle in the first place?

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If someone knows your carrying your doing it wrong



You never found out something about someone else while in school...got it.



As opposed to that psycho kid just bringing a gun to go on a murderous rampage, thus avoiding the entire scuffle in the first place?


True, but if had no access to one beforehand...they do now.

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Of course, everyone has, but it doesn't mean you should share the fact that you carry a gun with everyone you meet.


Well, with a variable like that, it's probably not a good idea. 17+1, two extra mags on the hip..you're looking at possibly 50 deaths.

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Well, with a variable like that, it's probably not a good idea. 17+1, two extra mags on the hip..you're looking at possibly 50 deaths.


I see your point but it's really no different than being able to carry at work and assuming that this hypothetical dangerous person knew that an individual was carrying a concealed handgun there are much easier ways for a criminal to acquire a firearm than by assaulting an armed individual. I think most people that are going to go on a rampage usually have it planned out and not spur of the moment because they found out someone is carrying a gun.

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I see your point but it's really no different than being able to carry at work and assuming that this hypothetical dangerous person knew that an individual was carrying a concealed handgun there are much easier ways for a criminal to acquire a firearm than by assaulting an armed individual. I think most people that are going to go on a rampage usually have it planned out and not spur of the moment because they found out someone is carrying a gun.


Couldn't agree more. It would be many times easier to acquire a firearm from someone who wouldn't be inclined to shoot you while you were attempting to steal it. Say like buying one. Or even stealing one, that was in someone else's home. Or whatever. Regardless of the reason, you should not legally be allowed to strip someone of their ability to fairly defend themselves. Schools have been "gun-free" zones for decades, hasn't stopped the psychos, just creates a bunch of sitting ducks.

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As opposed to that psycho kid just bringing a gun to go on a murderous rampage, thus avoiding the entire scuffle in the first place?


Criminals will carry on campus regardless of law, me being a law abiding citizen will not, this puts me in a disadvantage when he/she opens fire.

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It's a good idea, if you allow principals or select people to have them. I totally see the psycho kid overpowering a teacher or another student that carries and killing all they are capable of with that weapon.


Utah has allowed this for awhile now. I have heard of no such incidents. Same with the 'carry in bars' incidents that all the anti's screamed were going to happen.


Fact: An armed society is a polite society.

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what we need to understand is the people in college that will be allowed to carry are not 18 year old freshmen in a dorm. They are 21 or older that go through the process, effort and extra expense to get their concealed carry. We are not talking about kids here. Those of us that go through this are perfectly capable of responsibly carrying a weapon onto school property. I don't become a murdering psychopath when i cross high street onto campus property. Nor do i walk around the streets at night wasted out of my mind waving my gun around because I'm in "college". Its pretty frustrating when i hear gordon gee talk about how bright and intelligent we are as OSU students/faculty but those of use that are trained and responsible are not so when it comes to a concealed carry. I didn't just buy $1,000 and start carrying it places.


The biggest problem with the opposition is the lack of knowledge. I encourage anyone thats opposed to Campus Carry to do a little research and you'll find out why it makes sense.

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The biggest problem with the opposition is the lack of knowledge. I encourage anyone thats opposed to Campus Carry to do a little research and you'll find out why it makes sense.


They prefer to rely on their uneducated emotions to make their decisions.

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