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Non-Windows people


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Ok, so I think I will just go ahead and make the jump to a Non-Windows OS (not macOS either). Its much more utilitarian, more functional, etc. I run XP right now, but I think its time to switch.


What OS are you using, and why? What benefits do you get from it that you don't get from another flavor? I have a Fedora VM that I use right now, but have considered Ubuntu, among others.


Just wanna see what peeps are running.

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I'm running a number of operating systems on many machines and as unnerdly as it sounds I'm on Windows 7 more than anything else because I game so much. Other than that I'm running Ubuntu on my main laptop, and its functional, and well supported by the community. Hard to go wrong there if you're wanting Linux.
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I used to run Ubuntu, even as recently as the nebulous period between XP and Windows 7.


I got sick of wrestling with peripherals and programs. My last attempt at forcing Ubuntu on my wife ended when she wanted to install the Shutterfly (Windows only) bulk uploader. And I don't want to hear anyone say they got it to work in Wine or something, because I don't have time for that crap anymore.


My only complaint with Ubuntu, aside from the fact that Linux sucks for a desktop OS, is that it doesn't support Xen at the kernel level, and I only know that because I had to help my stubborn-ass cousin get it installed. I finally just made him switch to Debian.


Windows 7 is actually quite good, if you have the hardware to support it.

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I put Fedora 16 on my mom's laptop. Works pretty well. Ubuntu used to be my go-to linux distro to tell people to get, but as of late has become super cluttered out of the box, and IMO a little hard to navigate, even for me. I don't like whatever they have chosen for their interface. I liked it when it was more simplified and straightforward, which Fedora is. Good to give to relatives who only browse the internet, but are somehow virus magnets.
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Gabe you have inspired me. I burnt Ubuntu to a disk gonna install it on a older computer later and try it out.


i would try knoppix first. download it, boot your computer to the disc, and test drive it.


no need to install it if you dont end up liking it.

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i would try knoppix first. download it, boot your computer to the disc, and test drive it.


no need to install it if you dont end up liking it.


You can do this with the latest Ubuntu releases also, they now have a live cd option. At the installation screen you'll have the option to either try Ubuntu or to install it.

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i would try knoppix first. download it, boot your computer to the disc, and test drive it.


no need to install it if you dont end up liking it.


Its a old computer I have with no OS on it. Just been gathering dust for a few months.


I will possibly try both of them.

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