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Jon Stewart on the media ignoring Ron Paul

Rally Pat

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i have clearly noticed that but not to the degree that stewart pointed out. i love the comment "Ron Paul is the man America needs but does not deserve" and WTF with that last news cast? are you kidding me?


god i hope that he becomes the GOP nominee.

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Only person worth voting for imho. I have seen some of the things he has said before congress about fractional reserve banking and dude is right on. He doesn't agree with the ish that's going on and has no problem telling them that.

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I could get behind Ron Paul. But I believe if he's elected that someone will shoot him before his first year is up. People who make waves don't last in politics. And his ideas will torpedo a lot of fortunes.


If someone doesn't make waves we are all gonna sink

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If someone doesn't make waves we are all gonna sink


But at least we sink together




Ron Paul needs Romney to F up somehow in order to garner more of the Republican vote. I would be surprised if he becomes a nominee for the GOP ticket...will be interesting to see how NH goes...


If he was on the ticket, I would vote for him.

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Surprised at the amount of RP fans!


Someone start a CR POLL with current candidates and see what the consensus is...


I'm guessing it would probably go like this...

Paul - 95%

Romney - 5% (Because not everyone here is a conservative/libertarian)

Perry - 0% (You mean there's a guy named Perry? I thought it was just a nuke plant!)

Huntsman - 0% (Who?)

Roemer - 0% (Who?)

Gingrich - 0% (Dude named for an amphibian?)

Santorum - 0% (Would you like to know more?)

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I'm guessing it would probably go like this...

Paul - 95%

Romney - 5% (Because not everyone here is a conservative/libertarian)

Perry - 0% (You mean there's a guy named Perry? I thought it was just a nuke plant!)

Huntsman - 0% (Who?)

Roemer - 0% (Who?)

Gingrich - 0% (Dude named for an amphibian?)

Santorum - 0% (Would you like to know more?)



Get a mod to post it up, I'm glad to see RP have so much love on here. We need a BIG change and so far he's the best option I've seen running...

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I'd vote for him, but some of his ideas for foreign policy make me nervous.


It's really nothing more than a return to Washington's "Leave us the fuck alone, and we won't stick our noses in your shit, either." Going back through history, it wasn't until the Spanish-American War of 1898 that the US did anything noteworthy on the world stage, and even after WWI, isolationism remained the guiding principle of American diplomacy. Not until after WWII, where we were the only industrial nation standing against those dirty Soviets, did we begin "flexing our muscles."

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