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Workout Crew, some questions...


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I need some advice from someone smarter than myself on this.


1. is it true that lifting/weight training will literally turn fat into muscle? meaning your body with naturally burn fat to create more muscle?


2. as of right now i workout two days then rest one then two days again (back/shoulders/chest on mon - arms/abs/core on tue - rest on wed then repeat thurs and fri) I want to change this around to include a leg day but which areas do i pair up with each other? Ive heard larger muscle groups should be done by themselves. So a 'back' day then a 'leg' day then a day for everything else? Also im already doing cardio everyday.


Ive been doing this current workout since early december and its worked out ok i just want to maximize the time i spend in the gym and get the most out of it.

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I've recently started working out w a good friend lately and have a day solely dedicated to legs. And it's a bitch of a day, lots of weights pushing plates warm up w 100 squats w 45lb weights on bar. Then sprints at end. Legs are usually tough cause all the blood flow is gong to legs.


But I've started to trim down just doing weights and light cardio. I need to his cardio harder but we've been doing a lot of circuit training so cardio is built into our lifting.

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A few questions..

What are your goals? Lean muscle, trying to bulk up?

How much cardio do you incorporate and when?

What does your diet look like?

When you work out do you focus on increasing your max lift, max reps, looking good in a speedo?

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Talk to turbo Steven. He's a regular on this kind of stuff.


I think ive pm'd him before but that was a while ago.


A few questions..

What are your goals? Lean muscle, trying to bulk up?

How much cardio do you incorporate and when?

What does your diet look like?

When you work out do you focus on increasing your max lift, max reps, looking good in a speedo?


Ideally, cut fat and bulk up. I usually leave myself a little leeway during the holidays to eat what i want and whatnot but i hit my 'holiday weight' a bit early this year so i had to do something about it. Im probably 230 now and i would be comfortable at 210, its pretty easy for me to walk around at 220 working out moderatly with an ok diet thats not too drastic.


I do cardio after every workout, either 30minutes on the eliptical or run 2 miles. lately its been more running though. And I play hockey 2-3times a week also. I really dont care about maxing out my bench or how much i can squat i just want to play hockey better and look better for boating this year. I moved up a league in hockey this year so i dont wanna embarrass myself.

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Fat is stored fuel, muscle is well, muscle (although it can be broken for fuel, but that goes back to a proper diet). It can not be directly converted. If you want to lose body fat, you'll need diet+exercise.


I cut almost 30 pounds of body fat by cutting caloric intake to a goal of 1250 calories a day. That was split into 3 meals with 2 snacks inbetween. I was satisfied. At the same time I started an intense circuit training regimen. 3-4 times a week. It was all low weight/high reps(not light, just as much as you can lift for 12-15 rep) full body with no breaks between sets. On off days I would do some cardio: ellipitical, jogging, or boxing.


What helped me get into the habit of working out was having a trainer. I learned proper techniques, but more importantly I had a paid appointment I didn't want miss.

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A few questions..

What are your goals? Lean muscle, trying to bulk up?

How much cardio do you incorporate and when?

What does your diet look like?

When you work out do you focus on increasing your max lift, max reps, looking good in a speedo?


Came in to post this. Saw ol black bird took care of it. Its always good to hear people trying to take care of their body. Stay active!

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I think ive pm'd him before but that was a while ago.




Ideally, cut fat and bulk up. I usually leave myself a little leeway during the holidays to eat what i want and whatnot but i hit my 'holiday weight' a bit early this year so i had to do something about it. Im probably 230 now and i would be comfortable at 210, its pretty easy for me to walk around at 220 working out moderatly with an ok diet thats not too drastic.


I do cardio after every workout, either 30minutes on the eliptical or run 2 miles. lately its been more running though. And I play hockey 2-3times a week also. I really dont care about maxing out my bench or how much i can squat i just want to play hockey better and look better for boating this year. I moved up a league in hockey this year so i dont wanna embarrass myself.


Do cardio before your workouts, running burns muscle and fat mass.

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The best thing you can do is see a nutritionist. As active as you are the only missing ingredient I see is your diet. When and what you eat will get you the most out of what you are doing. I say that guessing you know your most in need areas and target them a few times a week.


Disclaimer: I'm not a professional. Just knowledgeable in the field from 19 years of exercise/weight training and a minor in sports medicine in college.

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I'm a huge fan of running in the morning and lifting in the evening. Through the military I've learned a few key points:


It is what you make it (dont puss out)


Do it right (watch your form, keep it tight, start slow)


There's a huge variety of exercises/resistance/aerobic workouts out there, dont be afraid to blend buddy carrys to yoga exercises.


Dig deep and give it hell.

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1. is it true that lifting/weight training will literally turn fat into muscle? meaning your body with naturally burn fat to create more muscle?

No, but increasing the amount of muscle mass you carry will mean that the amount of calories it takes to sustain that mass will increase. If your maintanence calories are 2,000/day before lifting, and you've been regularly training for a year or so, the extra muscle has likely bumped your maintanence up a few hundred calories. However, you continue eating at 2,000 you will lose weight as it's eating under your new maintanence.


2. as of right now i workout two days then rest one then two days again (back/shoulders/chest on mon - arms/abs/core on tue - rest on wed then repeat thurs and fri) I want to change this around to include a leg day but which areas do i pair up with each other? Ive heard larger muscle groups should be done by themselves. So a 'back' day then a 'leg' day then a day for everything else? Also im already doing cardio everyday.

- Back/Bi

- Chest/Tri

- Shoulders/Abs

- Legs/Core

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well if you have more muscle mass, it requires more calories to maintain that mass.

but fat wont convert to muscle, its just perceived size.


it might be worth while to do upper body one day, then lower the other day, instead of dividing it up like you have as you are hitting some of the same muscle groups again with only one day of rest, i would get more between those muscle groups like 2-3 days rest.

do stuff like day upper body: chest work, upper back work, biceps work, triceps work, shoulder work, ab work

day lower: squats, deadlifts, hamstring work, calf work.


with cardio ever day you might burn yourself, out the body needs rest as that is when it gets stronger, when it recovers.

get your diet right to lose fat, it will be faster, cardio to get your heart in shape.

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Non fat foods--companies trolling uneducated people






I'd start with body weight type exercises.. Push ups, pull ups (if you can do), air squats (Hips below knees, non of the 1/4 squat BS), burpees, mountain climbers.


Learn major lifts and do them. Squat - both front and back, deadlift, cleans, snatches, presses.


Do sprints.. whether it be 400m runs, 500m rows, or biking.


Work on diet.. toss at processed food and refined sugars. eat real food; mostly plants and animals, some fruit, healthy fats.

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