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Westerville North Spanish Teacher Killed


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Leroy Gilkey taught Spanish at Westerville North and those that knew him will agree, he will be missed. He was the nicest guy, and he always had a smile on his face. Three years ago as a senior, I had a class with him, and it was obvious all of the students really loved him. RIP.

Edited by Tripleskate
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Wow. Beat someone to death with a fence post, serve 14 years, murder again. Nice job legal system. What a tragedy. Sorry for your loss.


easy/quick answer for this is the war on drugs, incarcerating non-violent criminals for longer than violent psychopaths.



but i digress, Vaya con Dios.

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Reading comprehension might not be your strong suit.


"He said that his brother killed their son, Leroy Gilkey, 38, who was a Spanish teacher at Westerville North High School"


He probably killed Mr. Gilkey because he was a closet homosexual... That's why his father spared the step-son because he "had kids".


I had Mr. G for spanish, he was a great teacher but now I realize that his home life effected him a lot.

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He probably killed Mr. Gilkey because he was a closet homosexual... That's why his father spared the step-son because he "had kids".


I had Mr. G for spanish, he was a great teacher but now I realize that his home life effected him a lot.


Yes and Mr. Gilkey wasn't kidding anyone, im 112% sure everyone knew he was gay.

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Damn... If these details in this article are true the father was nuts.




""He tried to shoot my brother, and my brother was hiding behind me. And then he kept telling me to 'Duck! Duck! Duck!'" Sowers said on the call.


Then Paul Gilkey "walked up to me and held the gun over my head and squeezed the trigger, and my brother went down on the ground," Sowers said. "And then he walked over to my aunt and shot her."


That's a lot to live with; your brother getting shot by a gun extended over your head.

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