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Short Cuts.


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Never really believed in short cuts, just thought there was a right and wrong way. I'm interested if anyone has tricks to getting around the city faster? Ways to cut traffic out as well the "ole back alley" trick. Over the years I've noticed a few.


Heres my tricks of the trade:


1. 670 East


Going eastbound on 670 during heav"ier" traffic, Ive found it's faster to take the Convention Center exit (4B), jump across Goodale, run it up about 50yds and jump back on the 670 on ramp.




If you look at a larger view of 670 you see that Eastbound traffic loops way south and cuts back north when 670 meets 71. 670 westbound traffic stays relatively straight with 71 and the convention center on ramps following that route.




2. West on 270 to Sawmill north


During heavy traffic the 270 west off ramp to Sawmill north gets pretty congested, where-as the southbound exit on Sawmill stays relatively clear. Its faster to take the Sawmill southbound exit to Dublin Center (an immediate right) and wind Tuller all the way down to Riverside than it is to wait in northbound traffic at Sawmill and Hard roads.




3. West Polaris to South 71


I see this all the time and I don't understand why only a few people do it. It's an easy one. Traffic in the right lane of westbound Polaris Pkwy east of 71 is horrible around rush hour (as is that whole area). If you are headed west on Polaris and taking 71 S, jump north on Orion Pl, catch Gemini and take the 71S exit from there, far less congested.






The 670 one can't be used anymore because the whole downtown is torn apart and I don't know how it's going back together. I just thought it was a neat one to share. I'm curious if there is any other you guys can have?

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i disagree with #3. There are 3 on ramps that feed into 71 there and by you going to gemini you are going to the very back of the line, it might be shorter, but you have to take into account all the people that are already lined up between the 2nd and 3rd on ramps.


670 one is cool as hell and i never realized that at all!!

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i disagree with #3. There are 3 on ramps that feed into 71 there and by you going to gemini you are going to the very back of the line, it might be shorter, but you have to take into account all the people that are already lined up between the 2nd and 3rd on ramps.


670 one is cool as hell and i never realized that at all!!


Yea, I've only done the Polaris once or twice... not enough to know the difference, so you're probably right.

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Easiest shortcut that people in Ohio don't seem to know is STAY IN YOUR DAMN LANE IN HEAVY TRAFFIC. I'm amazed at how many people just want to feel like they're getting ahead by darting through lanes, when in fact they're just going to get to the same place 12 seconds faster while slowing up traffic for everyone else.
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Easiest shortcut that people in Ohio don't seem to know is STAY IN YOUR DAMN LANE IN HEAVY TRAFFIC. I'm amazed at how many people just want to feel like they're getting ahead by darting through lanes, when in fact they're just going to get to the same place 12 seconds faster while slowing up traffic for everyone else.


Yeah but if you get to that exit 12 seconds sooner, you might make that 3-minute light everyone else gets stuck at. Or be 5 cars ahead at a stop sign that people take forever to pull away from.

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Yeah but if you get to that exit 12 seconds sooner, you might make that 3-minute light everyone else gets stuck at. Or be 5 cars ahead at a stop sign that people take forever to pull away from.


This would stand to reason, however, it's been proven it truly isn't worth the 'rush'. ;) This doesn't mean I don't do it, either, though. lol

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oh man there was this guy's house off Riverside who had a huge front yard and the neighborhood street wrapped around it.. we would drive right straight through that bitch in my 1988 civic to get to my buddy's house every time. So fucking funny back then.
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Easiest shortcut that people in Ohio don't seem to know is STAY IN YOUR DAMN LANE IN HEAVY TRAFFIC.


This really only works if you have people not staying in their lane. You know traffic is going to move up quicker because of all the cars leaving your lane. But yes, stay in your lane.

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Yeah but if you get to that exit 12 seconds sooner, you might make that 3-minute light everyone else gets stuck at. Or be 5 cars ahead at a stop sign that people take forever to pull away from.



^^ this. never fails that I get the dumb ass in front of me who leaves 4-6 car lengths wide open cruising 5-10mph below everyone else while in the far left lane. I'm all cool for pacing ones self, but in heavy traffic, they are also the same people flailing arms ever 30 seconds when someone cuts in front of them. what else do they expect when they are leaving the door wide open. I usually just pass around them to the right and leave them in the dust as they fall farther and farther back with others doing the same. KEEP RIGHT ASSHOLE!! and / or put the cell phone down look out the windshield and you won't have to leave 6 car lenghts in front to prevent from rear ending someone. It's called bumper to bumper traffic for a reason, don't leave gaps all over.


same thing for lights. you get that one knucklehead who has zero clue what those metal rectangular strips on the road are for and it causes you to not get an arrow because they are not over them. he's then the same pussy that doesn't pull INTO the intersection to turn but rather waits 4 car lengths back behind said metal strips/traffic indicators. in the end, a line of cars waiting to turn left get screwed by them!


both of the above are likely the sames dumb asses that pull to the far right to turn left when exiting a major shopping center. get a fucking clue people!! keep left to turn left and when stopping at a red light where right turn on red is permitted, pay fucking attention and keep as far left as you can so others can turn right next to you. don't stop in the middle or to the right or 4 cars back from the lines and block everyone!! This is the #1 reason I always cut through CVS at Sawmill and Hard. Dumb fucks!! :fuuuu::fuuuu::fuuuu::fuuuu::fuuuu::fuuuu:


lastly, when driving on a road with two lanes in each direction, don't fucking drive side by side with the dude next to you. pass or fall back and clear a place for those of us that really do want to drive over your ass to go around. Move to the right with all the other slow people and GTFO our way!!!

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Also another little tip is:


When you come to one of these:




... and you are traveling the speed limit. If you see 2 flashes and then you pass the "prepare to stop ahead when flashing" sign you WILL make the light. If it flashes 3 or more times and you remain at the speed limit, you will not make the light.


or the basic rule of thumb: if you see it start flashing... just floor it

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^^^^ To add to your rant.


On a 4 lane road (like riverside), and a school bus stops, on coming traffic does not have to stop. Thats kind of a confusing one but people look clueless day in and day out when this happens.


I was actually just complaining about this to someone. People do it all the freaking time in Gahanna and on Stelzer rd. I just lay on my horn.

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There is a special place in hell reserved for what I call the Yellow Light Racers.


As you approach the stoplight following the Prius in front of you going 30mph in a 45 zone, you're trying to keep your hands on the wheel instead of tearing your hair out. You, the attentive driver, notice the crosswalk counter.





The driver in front of you slows down inexplicably. Maybe they're thinking about turning right at the light. Who knows.



You're still 75 yards away, the crosswalk counter taunting you...



Oh look, the driver in front of you seems to have gotten a call on their phone. Better slow it down another MPH or two



As the crosswalk counter stops, the light turns yellow, and you're 25 yards away. Suddenly, the car in front of you lurches forward with the power of a thousand dying suns, and in the blink of an eye they have somehow accelerated to 1 meter per second slower than the speed of light. Precisely one millisecond before the light turns red, they blast into the intersection, probably telling the person on their phone "OH YEAH I REMEMBER WHERE I WAS GOING ITS JUST PAST THIS LIGHT I'LL BE THERE IN 2 SECONDS", leaving you in a cloud of their exhaust. As you see them turn into the driveway 20 feet past the intersection, you stroke the blade of your hunting knife, look in your rearview mirror at your own reflection bathed in the red glow of the stoplight and think to yourself, "soon..."

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There is a special place in hell reserved for what I call the Yellow Light Racers.


As you approach the stoplight following the Prius in front of you going 30mph in a 45 zone, you're trying to keep your hands on the wheel instead of tearing your hair out. You, the attentive driver, notice the crosswalk counter.





The driver in front of you slows down inexplicably. Maybe they're thinking about turning right at the light. Who knows.



You're still 75 yards away, the crosswalk counter taunting you...



Oh look, the driver in front of you seems to have gotten a call on their phone. Better slow it down another MPH or two



As the crosswalk counter stops, the light turns yellow, and you're 25 yards away. Suddenly, the car in front of you lurches forward with the power of a thousand dying suns, and in the blink of an eye they have somehow accelerated to 1 meter per second slower than the speed of light. Precisely one millisecond before the light turns red, they blast into the intersection, probably telling the person on their phone "OH YEAH I REMEMBER WHERE I WAS GOING ITS JUST PAST THIS LIGHT I'LL BE THERE IN 2 SECONDS", leaving you in a cloud of their exhaust. As you see them turn into the driveway 20 feet past the intersection, you stroke the blade of your hunting knife, look in your rearview mirror at your own reflection bathed in the red glow of the stoplight and think to yourself, "soon..."


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El Karacho, +1 Rep for ya!


Mine is exit lane jammers...they come screaming up on the left and brake check in just at the exit, even when there are ZERO cars behind you. I've been fortunate enough to demonstrate to a few of them that maybe, just maybe, the reason that crappy old minivan looks the way it does is because the owner put his money in the suspension and BRAKES.

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