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C5 Z06


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I had an 04 Z06.


I had absolutely zero issues with it stock. It dynoed 365rwhp in bone stock (yes, absolutely stock) form. It was amazingly easy to drive - honestly, if it wasn't for our weather, it could have easily been my daily driver.


I think the C5 Z06's weigh right around 3200lbs. Fairly light cars (especially compared to some others).


I can't recall any "common issues" stuff with them off-hand. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend one, though.

Edited by Dr. Pomade
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Leaking factory batteries.


Column locks.


Loose seat tracks.


Leaking rearend seals.


Bad clutch feel if fluid gets dirty.


All of these are covered very thoroughly over on Corvette forums. Hours and hours of reading there.


And as already said, blast to drive even as a DD.

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  Johnny Bravo said:


I had absolutely zero issues with it stock. It dynoed 365rwhp in bone stock (yes, absolutely stock) form. It was amazingly easy to drive - honestly, if it wasn't for our weather, it could have easily been my daily driver.



Apart from the obvious is it feasible to daily drive in winter at all? too much tq??

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You could drive them in the winter but the wide low profile tires and no weight in the rear would make it a challenge in snow. I would daily drive mine every day if I had the opportunity to do so,except winter. Good gas milage also even with a larger cam. I bought mine with only 8200 miles and have put around 10,000 miles on it with no problems. The leaky rear axle seal is common. So far mine is dry. Everything else is easy fixes and upgrades. Be carefull of some of the early 01's they had some oil burning issues caused by the rings letting oil seep thru.
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Look on LS1 tech. You will find almost all you need to know on there. There really are not many changes between a c5 and a c5zo6. Same motor just different heads, cams and a few other things if I am not mistaken. If your going to modd honestly just get a c5 non zo6 because the power numbers will be almost the same once you go big heads and cam. If you want to stay close to stock ie bolt ons the zo6 will get you more power but the car costs alot more. I am heavily considering a c5 purchase in the spring and have been fighting myself on what model I want. If I go with a vette I will get the base c5 instead of the zo6 to save me about an extra 5 to 10k for modds to blow the doors of c6 zo6's
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  carl said:
Apart from the obvious is it feasible to daily drive in winter at all? too much tq??


  BrianZ06 said:
You could drive them in the winter but the wide low profile tires and no weight in the rear would make it a challenge in snow.


Carl, what BrianZ06 said. No weight + tq = headache in snow/slippery roadways. I wouldn't have any problem driving one in the winter, provided the roads were just wet. (Though I might freak out with all the salt/junk getting on it.)

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Column Lock bypass sucks. Mine got me at a meet, 1am ready to head out and car shuts off @ 2 mph. If you are gonna tune one, the cutoff mph can be changed, mine is at 256. Leaky rears are very common, but it only takes about 15 minutes to repair. There is one for sale in the corral.
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Whats up Carl? To be honest I think I am going to sell her. I just rebuilt the engine and it is a 433 ci. I also put in a brand new rpm stage 5 transmission with c6 zo6 gears and fully built differential. Car has full road race suspension, accusump system, brand new tires to much to list over 60000 in receipts. I just never drive it. She is at IPS now. if anyone is looking for a bad ass c5 this is the one.
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  evil8 said:
Pull the wheel, remove the upper control arm and rear link, swivel spindle down pull axle. Seal out, seal in, rinse and repeat. I've done a few.


I figured. You're talking different monsters. Mine was the pass. side case o-ring, not shaft seal... that would have been nice. :)

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  I Eat Rice said:
Look on LS1 tech. You will find almost all you need to know on there. There really are not many changes between a c5 and a c5zo6.


well if you consider a completely different transmission, suspension, functional brake ducts, special brake compound, halfshafts, clutch, glass, gauges, no sound deadening, titanium exhaust, super light wheels among several other things not many changes you are correct.


Same motor just different heads, cams and a few other things if I am not mistaken.


incorrect- one of the few things that is the same is the intake manifold and that is only on 2001 and newer cars.


If your going to modd honestly just get a c5 non zo6 because the power numbers will be almost the same once you go big heads and cam.


This I will agree with but the weight will not be the same. A c5z weighs a good 3-400 lbs less than a standard c5 and the gearing is different. About 3100 lbs.



I did take mine out in the snow once to fill up the gas tank for storage a few years ago-- it was easier to control than my old supercharged h/c/i 5.0 mustang (about the same power) and the mustang had much smaller all season tires- if I had an all season compound or better yet winter tires I would easily drive it in the winter- the recommended setup is normal c5 front wheels all around with some blizzaks- but thats why I have the explorer- I have had enough white knuckle driving for this lifetime... both cars were better than my old LT1 f-body in the snow.

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  hpfiend said:

This I will agree with but the weight will not be the same. A c5z weighs a good 3-400 lbs less than a standard c5 and the gearing is different. About 3100 lbs.


The Z weighs about 3100, and the standard weighs 3250.


Not a big difference.

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  MKV Aaron said:
The Z weighs about 3100, and the standard weighs 3250.


Not a big difference.


I may be mistaken but I think you are referring to a stripped down fixed roof coupe...? I always thought that a base c5 can weigh 3300-3400 lbs?


A good article:


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  hpfiend said:
well if you consider a completely different transmission, suspension, functional brake ducts, special brake compound, halfshafts, clutch, glass, gauges, no sound deadening, titanium exhaust, super light wheels among several other things not many changes you are correct.


Same motor just different heads, cams and a few other things if I am not mistaken.


incorrect- one of the few things that is the same is the intake manifold and that is only on 2001 and newer cars.


If your going to modd honestly just get a c5 non zo6 because the power numbers will be almost the same once you go big heads and cam.


This I will agree with but the weight will not be the same. A c5z weighs a good 3-400 lbs less than a standard c5 and the gearing is different. About 3100 lbs.



I did take mine out in the snow once to fill up the gas tank for storage a few years ago-- it was easier to control than my old supercharged h/c/i 5.0 mustang (about the same power) and the mustang had much smaller all season tires- if I had an all season compound or better yet winter tires I would easily drive it in the winter- the recommended setup is normal c5 front wheels all around with some blizzaks- but thats why I have the explorer- I have had enough white knuckle driving for this lifetime... both cars were better than my old LT1 f-body in the snow.


Sorry I did not break out all my mags to quote all the differences. They are both 5.7l motors. The ls6 is just an upgraded ls1 period the end. Did they do a few different things to the motor and add a few changes to the body and suspension yes. But really its the same car sitting lower with different heads, cam, and intake manifold, titanium exhaust manifolds which everyone will change anyways, and slightly different cylinder heads, netting a 50hp difference that again will not matter if you go to a heads cam car.

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