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This folder in Windows???


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To answer your question no.. I had to remove my old 40 Gig SSD and repalce with a 120 gig'er to fix it. Another option is to reinstall Win 7 (Slipstream version including SP1) and that will reduce it for a while. The link below high levels what it is used for and why it will always be amonster on your HD.




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Fuck it! Going back to iPad.


Clearly this PC isn't used for any kind of actual work if it can be replaced with an ipad


I'd say go for it, then go buy a Mac. :)


If no actual work is to be performed, and you have money to waste, I also recommend this option.

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Clearly this PC isn't used for any kind of actual work if it can be replaced with an ipad




If no actual work is to be performed, and you have money to waste, I also recommend this option.




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