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I fucking HATE having a conversation by text. A text gets right to the point except for when it doesn't which is anything beyond a simple single question and answer. A 30 second conversation takes much longer by text. If you actually need to have a conversation with someone it's much easier and quicker to just talk to the person.


I can make a 35 minutes conversation into a 6 text string of questions and answers.. with a few lol's for good measure.


I'm married so there is no need for me to talk to girls while trying to get laid


My family is all local


People talk too damn much and dont read cues that Im trying to hang up.


I have speech to text so not a freak is given if people have old phones and get hand cramps. Step yo sell fone gaim up homie!


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Solar flare, pisses me off again, nothing but clouds.




HIGH-LATITUDE AURORAS: The Arctic Circle is alight with auroras following this morning's CME impact. Incoming reports from Russia, Denmark, Scotland, England, and Norway confirm a bright apparition underway now. Aurora alerts: text, voice.


CME IMPACT: Arriving a little later than expected, a coronal mass ejection (CME) hit Earth's magnetic field at 0617 UT on Jan. 22nd. According to analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab, the impact strongly compressed Earth's magnetic field and briefly exposed satellites in geosynchronous orbit to solar wind plasma. Shifting lines of magnetic force induced strong ground currents in Norway and sparked bright auroras over the upper reaches of North America. This colorful corona appeared over Chatanika, Alaska:




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