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Need some electronics design help.


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I want to build a door opener for my chicken coop. The power source for the opener will be 12V battery. I will use a drill motor or something to pull the door open and lower it.


The electronics are troubling me.


I will use a DC timer to send the signal to open or close. I just need something that when it receives the voltage will run the motor in one direction and when it gets the signal the next time, it will reverse polarity.


This is similar to a garage door opener (switch tells the motor to go up and down but it is a one position switch).


If you know the circuit design, can you tell me the components I would need?

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I have an idea, Show me what you are trying to hook all of this to. If you have 120V power available, I have a better solution for you using a 24V transformer, an actuator (Shaft style) and end switches for the reversing pattern. (All of which I can provide you for next to nothing as well if you dont mind some used equipment)



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I want to open and close a door that a chicken can walk thru. I was going to use some cheap parts to get it all built. I don't have 120v available, I am going to use a deep-cycle 12V battery charged with a solar panel.
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could be done pretty easily with a few transistors for logic, and either switches or photosensors for door position indication.


basically if door closed then sensor/switch would be closed or open depending which type you are using, this would apply/remove voltage to transistor and cause power to motor to open door. Then door open sensor/switch would be used to do the opposite.


As I was typing this I thought up a way that might be even easier using relays as the logic instead of solid state transistors, but haven't thought it through completely yet.


Remember to only use the logic circuit to apply voltage to a door motor circuit through relays to keep higher volts/amps off the logic side or you'll fry stuff.

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Or ever look inside a garage door opener? they have a very cool way of doing exactly what your wanting. Might find an old one and adapt the technology. It would be cheaper and less headaches designing circuits.


Oh god now I'm brain storming. Just use the main board from a garage door opener, remove the open closed switches from the unit, and put them on your door. Problem solved and you have a remote you didn't have to build;-)

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If you get an old garage door opener, all the parts are mechanical, and I think will work with dc power except for the motor. I think my guys took down 2 like I'm thinking of this last week that didn't have anything wrong with them. I will check, and get back tomorrow.
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