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Recamendation on portable dance pole


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So as the title states I am looking for a recamendation on who makes a quality portable dance pole. I asked my wife what she wanted for her birthday and she came up with this and a new pair of figure skates. I'm kinda leaning towards the pole :masturboy: but don't know which are decent brands and what not. I'm sure someone on here has some experience with this and can point me in the right direction.



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an ex gf's neighbor in new albany, who she used to babysit for, had one in the master bedroom. Bitch was atleast 250 and the bedroom was on the 2nd floor. That amount of torque over the years must have DESTROYED that foundation.


Just an FYI you might want to called your home owners insurance and see if pole dancing is covered.

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Thank you telsea and Rhett, anyone else with some helpful input?


Here you are fuckers if it means help! This was Christmas and the only one I have on my phone http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/slammedcrx/b5800d85.jpg

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Thank you telsea and Rhett, anyone else with some helpful input?


Here you are fuckers if it means help! This was Christmas and the only one I have on my phone http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb230/slammedcrx/b5800d85.jpg



Please tell me you dont wear hats like that out in public and think they look good.


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