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westerville city schools levy?


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I aim to educate, not to aggravate.


Here is the break down of the Westerville School District pay chart.


BA w/ zero years exp: $37,659

BA +150hrs w/ 5 years exp: $48,343

MA w/ 10 years exp: $65,410

MA +15hrs w/ 15 years exp: $76,966

MA +30hrs w/ 20 years exp: $86,409


The full chart can be seen here:http://www.wcsoh.org/docs/10-11%20Salary%20Schedule.pdf



So your base yearly salary for ANY teacher just starting out is going to be $37,659. That might not be shabby. With all the schooling that takes to get to this point it isn’t that much. Using the numbers from this article the author puts 1 year of schooling at $7,000 per year plus books and fees. Let’s just stick with the $7,000 number for now, so simple math gives you $28,000 for a four year degree less books and fees. So you have your four year degree now you need to complete a credentialing program. Let’s keep using that $7,000 number, so now were at $35,000. And as any teacher will tell you just having the bare minimum will NOT get you hired but that’s beside the point right now.


So your making $37,659 IF you get hired and have $35,000 in student loans. Hell if you DONT get hired you still have the loans. We know you’re not getting to barrow that money for free so from USBank.com they are offering a fixed interest rate of 7.99%. So leaving this as broad as possible let’s say you’re going to pay it off in ten years. It’s going to cost you $424.46 a month pay it off in that time frame. Paying out $15,935.51 in total interest bringing your grand total for five years of schooling to $50,935.51.


Again I want to point out I used the LOWEST of low numbers when figuring out how much your college education would cost. As pointed out by the original author a private college can cost more than $26,000 a year. So for five years that’s $130,000 and at a 7.99% interest rate it would be a grand total of $189,188.75! And let’s not forget if you want bigger and better pay raises you have to go BACK to school.


So my option on the question that was asked no teachers do NOT make too much money. If it chaps your ass that badly then why didn’t you become a teacher and make ALL of that money? Additionally do you really want your child’s education to be provided by the lowest bidder?




good discussion everyone. nice to see both sides of things. here's to hoping some strides can be made in the school districts in the upcoming years.

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So your base yearly salary for ANY teacher just starting out is going to be $37,659. That might not be shabby. With all the schooling that takes to get to this point it isn’t that much.


All the schooling? a 4 year degree is "all the schooling"? Seriously? $26/hr with nothing more than a license and a 4 year degree is pretty fucking good.

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^teachers are required to take more classes and get their masters within a certain period. Also MOST districts start WAYYY under 37k.


Getting a masters within a certain period has nothing to do with how much you had to do before your first job.


The average veterinarian goes to school for 8 years, has $107,000 in debt from vet school alone and makes $48k. Now THAT is not much for the schooling they go through.

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It is an ongoing cost you incur for being a teacher which costs money. Drop the requirement for continuing education and they can drop the salary. Not a hard concept.


What should a teacher be making in your opinion?


Should top out around $65k


It is an ongoing cost for LOTS of professions, not just teachers BTW.

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Worry about what you make, not everyone else. That's what I say. I vote for elected officials just so I don't have to worry about stupid shit like how much public employees get paid. I have more important things to worry about than administrative bullshit for professions I'm not even involved in.


I'm amazed at the amount of public discussion wasted on teacher salaries. It's just not worth it. They should stop doing ballot initiatives for things that should be executive decisions, because both sides end up being full of people who have no idea how to run a school. Myself included. Seriously, I know nothing about running a school, why does anyone trust me to vote on this shit?


I mean, I know we have an Ohio Division of Wildlife. I'm sure it's good that we have one. If anyone asked me if I had an opinion on how much ODW employees get paid I'd punch them in the face. But replace the ODW with teachers and suddenly everyone has an opinion and wants to hold votes for everything. Makes no sense.

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Worry about what you make, not everyone else. That's what I say. I vote for elected officials just so I don't have to worry about stupid shit like how much public employees get paid. I have more important things to worry about than administrative bullshit for professions I'm not even involved in.


Isn't that one of the biggest problems with our current government? Corruption run amuck? If they're my tax dollars I want to know exactly how much they make and why they should make more/less/same. If you could allocate your tax dollars to certain programs wouldn't you? I know I would.

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Worry about what you make, not everyone else. That's what I say. I vote for elected officials just so I don't have to worry about stupid shit like how much public employees get paid. I have more important things to worry about than administrative bullshit for professions I'm not even involved in.


I'm amazed at the amount of public discussion wasted on teacher salaries. It's just not worth it. They should stop doing ballot initiatives for things that should be executive decisions, because both sides end up being full of people who have no idea how to run a school. Myself included. Seriously, I know nothing about running a school, why does anyone trust me to vote on this shit?


I mean, I know we have an Ohio Division of Wildlife. I'm sure it's good that we have one. If anyone asked me if I had an opinion on how much ODW employees get paid I'd punch them in the face. But replace the ODW with teachers and suddenly everyone has an opinion and wants to hold votes for everything. Makes no sense.


Turning a blind eye and letting government sort out where to spend the money, has worked so well for us in the past!


Glad to see this took off.

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Yeah greg that is about the stupidest shit I have read in this thread so far. If the school administration wanted to be paid $1 million dollars, you are saying you would be for it basically, just because they know what they need to be paid.


That's the other beautiful thing about our democracy, its for the people, by the people. You may not know how to run a school, but you sure as shit have a say in it, and also have a say what your taxes should be. All this apathy is running places into the ground.

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Isn't that one of the biggest problems with our current government? Corruption run amuck? If they're my tax dollars I want to know exactly how much they make and why they should make more/less/same. If you could allocate your tax dollars to certain programs wouldn't you? I know I would.


I suppose you spend a lot of time auditing the Department of Wildlife too.


The media serves as a public watchdog, and we pay for internal auditors. I'm not an accountant, so I'm personally not really qualified to seek out corruption.


I agree that the information should be public, but if the school says they need x dollars to operate, I'm not really in a position to question them. If you ask an experienced school administrator "is 80 grand too much for a teacher," he would say, "Well, what school? Let me look at their books, the cost of living, their hiring practices, etc." It would take someone with experience lots of time to determine if that's reasonable or not. I'm not experienced and I'm not an accountant or HR manager, so what the fuck do I know?


Now, if the school says "We want to build a multi-million dollar stadium," then I think the public can weigh in on if they think it's worth it. But basic operating costs should just happen. And if they're misusing the money they collect for basic operations, let the auditors and the media catch them. Because I'm not qualified.



All this apathy is running places into the ground.


I dunno, last I checked my school district was doing pretty good.

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Being as I'm in this database, from looking my self up they are way off.


Shouldn't be off. Are you doing OT, or any other extra curricular things for which you get paid? The Treasurer's site tracks OT as well, I don't think Buckeye Institute does.


Try using the State Treasurer site:




It may be a tad more accurate.


Way low.


That is comforting, to know the potential for a lot of those numbers to be on the low side. I looked up my aunt on both sites, and the Treasurer has her at 5k higher than the Buckeye Institute.

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Why pass a levy? Why not dock the 500+ teachers pay by 5k each? That is 2.5 million dollars they just opened up to be put back into the school system.....


Increase income slightly or cut teacher salaries by 10%. Seems like the sort of boring decision that I don't need to be bothered with.

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Increase income slightly or cut teacher salaries by 10%. Seems like the sort of boring decision that I don't need to be bothered with.


Apathy like yours is why this country is going broke. The more you don't care, the worse it gets.


Do you buy a new car you can't afford, then go to your boss and say "I need a $100 per month raise so I can afford this car I just bought"?

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What's the average salary for a Department of Wildlife employee? Where's the website I can use to look up Dept of Wildlife employees by name and see how much they get paid?


Don't tell me you haven't done the research. Why not? DON'T YOU CARE?!!??! YOU'RE THE REASON I DON'T GET HBO!!!!


eta: Well, I just looked at that treasury website and apparently you can look up just about anyone. That's cool. But my point is that there's probably 100+ departments in that list and none of them get the kind of public vitriol that teachers get. I don't understand why they're singled out is all. You trust Ohio to pay the Department of Mental Health employees fair wages, but teachers are apparently such leaches that they require constant scrutiny. Find a new hobby people.

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What's the average salary for a Department of Wildlife employee? Where's the website I can use to look up Dept of Wildlife employees by name and see how much they get paid?


Don't tell me you haven't done the research. Why not? DON'T YOU CARE?!!??! YOU'RE THE REASON I DON'T GET HBO!!!!


eta: Well, I just looked at that treasury website and apparently you can look up just about anyone. That's cool. But my point is that there's probably 100+ departments in that list and none of them get the kind of public vitriol that teachers get. I don't understand why they're singled out is all. You trust Ohio to pay the Department of Mental Health employees fair wages, but teachers are apparently such leaches that they require constant scrutiny. Find a new hobby people.


You don't want to bark up the ODNR tree with me. You may just get what you are asking for

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What's the average salary for a Department of Wildlife employee? Where's the website I can use to look up Dept of Wildlife employees by name and see how much they get paid?


Don't tell me you haven't done the research. Why not? DON'T YOU CARE?!!??! YOU'RE THE REASON I DON'T GET HBO!!!!


eta: Well, I just looked at that treasury website and apparently you can look up just about anyone. That's cool. But my point is that there's probably 100+ departments in that list and none of them get the kind of public vitriol that teachers get. I don't understand why they're singled out is all. You trust Ohio to pay the Department of Mental Health employees fair wages, but teachers are apparently such leaches that they require constant scrutiny. Find a new hobby people.


ODNR Officers make about 50k.


The highest level engineers make less than teachers in public school systems.

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Alternate idea... Why not dock admins making over 70k by 10k. There ya go. You have to figure at that pay they can "afford" it more than a teacher making 40k.


Sure. Dock everyone in a given school system making over 70k by 5k. That would free up boat loads of money that could go to the kids.

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