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Doomsday Preppers on 2/15


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Everytime I see a thread about this show on a forum, I think it says "Doomsday Peppers" and I automatically think to myself "damn, I'd like to try some of those"





And yes taking out the hippies in New England is the way too go.

I guess in this day and age it almost seems strange not to be armed and prepared to defend yourself.

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Who were the folks in it?


IE - Swimming pool turned greenhouse




The first guy was a super overweight guy paranoid about an EMP. Then a family in New England that were like ulta left wing hippies who didnt believe in firearms but thought "the good of our neighborhood will come together to protect each other" they were extremely naive. Then some chubby housewife who cooks gourmet meals with stock piled foods and some more hippies in montana or something.


The left wing hippies were the most annoying by far. Well maybe they come in second to that stupid bitch from dallas who walks like her dong is gonna fall out of her running shorts. God i hate that bitch.

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The first guy was a super overweight guy paranoid about an EMP. Then a family in New England that were like ulta left wing hippies who didnt believe in firearms but thought "the good of our neighborhood will come together to protect each other" they were extremely naive. Then some chubby housewife who cooks gourmet meals with stock piled foods and some more hippies in montana or something.


The left wing hippies were the most annoying by far. Well maybe they come in second to that stupid bitch from dallas who walks like her dong is gonna fall out of her running shorts. God i hate that bitch.


She was from Houston. If she was from Dallas she'd drive a Lexus or Range Rover, and try to survive by banging old guys for money.

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I havent seen that one yet. There are only 3 episodes on OnDemand so far.


The one with the guy that blew off his thumb was the episode that just aired on tuesday. He was from AZ and the other prepper was a firefighter in NYC. The showed a picture of his thumb afterwords; it wasn't much left.

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