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we were dicussing how you would like to die. me personally, i would like to go out on the freeway doing over 190mph and explode into nothingness. :bauce: this got me thinking of how you cunts should all die though... HERES MY CONCLUSION....


anthony green- you will die of a stroke due to the pressures of being such a kick ass admin..


tina- your going to die posting some 99 pg rant about cr being better


jones- the jews are going to kill you for being a german lover


paul- your going to work yourself to death


gabe- liver failure


tilly- awesomeness


sam- old age... so you should be dead soon, and a heart attack while having sex with underage girls


linn- running from the po po in 2013 you will hit a wall and die


shanton- you will kill yourself becuase your emo


dover- you will get shot in a black neighborhood trying to plant coke on a somalian who you wrongfully shot because he didnt put his hands up fast enough.cpd


doc- you have too much money to die


orion- someone will outwit you online causing a tumor to grow and explode in your brain


rhett- you will kill yourself when sam dies


brandon- you will get shot hanging out with dover


leigh- being too skinny, hitting telaphone polls, flipping dsms....


alex- gingerness is a serious problem... its gone kill you


schmuckingham- you will finally get your car running and its going to explode... y u ask? FORD


paul white- erick allen is going to sit on you when you two meet.. fatality


erick allen(neither91)- heart attack, high cholestroal, high blood pressure, you know, big man problems


mopar- you will hit a gaurd rail (too soon)


patterson- your nephew will kill you, cause hes fat


gnome- a mini horse will step on you causing your death


wagner- being smutherd by rays old saggy balls


cordell- you will die under the miata


bc- you wont die..... you will be foreveralone( with your guns and lube)


and finally


greg wheeland... you will die..... why you ask? well, because













































































Edited by FILL
sam wants to sex underage girls
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What about howard,wnaplay, steve 2.slow,mitch


steve will die from the bar on the bench being too heavy and crushing his wee man body


howie will just become dust in the next 6 months


mitch will die a chatbox legend


wnaplay will die from being an emotional disaster. mental break down, suicide....

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