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Lost my job a few hours ago


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Ousley, dude I know what they did to you was shitty. I must say I expected more from BMW considering they preach courtesy, and all that shit. They did thank me for my contributions to the department before they escorted me out.

Anyway, I worked in customer relations for BMW of NA, so I basically was a go between, between the customer and the dealer, and we tried to offer assistance to customer's even if their warranty had expired.

I potentially have two jobs lined up, but the one has AT LEAST a 25% pay decrease. Oh well I guess, a 25% decrease is better than a 100% decrease.

Aaron, yeah I worked at the FS building by Tuttle. I remember when I first started there and I saw you in the round abouts that one day, but I haven't seen you since.

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I got the axe several weeks back myself. One of the owners comes in, gives us the heave-ho and then we get to walk past the rest of the company as the other owner tells them they are about to work harder for less money.


At least I have the satisfaction of knowing they are the cause of their own downfall and that I will probably end up with a better paying job with less responsibility as a result of my experience there... Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke anyway, right?

As it is, I am on vacation while I search. Good luck, because it seems the pickings are kinda slim and there is a lot of competition, even if they mostly suck.

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BMW in Dublin? Some girl I have talked to on twitter (of all things) just started working there recently. First name Kate, tall blonde.

I know a Kate that was a tall blonde, but she actually left a few months ago. Oddly enough, new people were hired in, and others were laid off (I can't really go into details). I don't think I had the chance to meet Kate, but would probably recognize the face.

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