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Kony 2012

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Won't happen as by definition that would mean they actually do give a fuck.


Bring it.


Do I feel bad for people suffering? Yes, that is a bad thing happening over there and I will not say otherwise.




My tax dollars should not be used there, even more so when we can't fix OUR OWN social issues in this country.

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Are you guys still battering this bullshit back and forth? Get over it, as long as there are good people, there will be fucked up shit going on. All I see in this thread is wah wah wah. Grow a pair and come back to reality.
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Are you guys still battering this bullshit back and forth? Get over it, as long as there are good people, there will be fucked up shit going on. All I see in this thread is wah wah wah. Grow a pair and come back to reality.




Grow a pair and come back to reality.




Grow a pair and come back to reality.



Grow a pair and come back to reality.





Grow a pair and come back to reality.







Grow a pair and come back to reality.












Grow a pair and come back to reality.



















Grow a pair and come back to reality.





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My tax dollars should not be used there, even more so when we can't fix OUR OWN social issues in this country.


I agree. However, I don't think the initial link is insisting that tax dollars be used. Sure the supporters my pursue that as not asking for something that would help would be stupid. I'll ask all day long for something I need until I hear no more than once.


My point is when people just blurt out they don't care or TLDW, or that in a nut shell children over in ______ country don't matter, then I just have ask WTF do they stand for. Personally, I think the idea of changing the world through social media and making any type of positive impact on ______ issues using creativity, a little balls and thinking outside the norm is a good thing. Not giving a fuck is not an option I think people should strive to have nor a reply that should be tolerated in what many here reference as a first world nation. Pretty sad to say it's dominated the replies.


Get over it, as long as there are good people, there will be fucked up shit going on. All I see in this thread is wah wah wah. Grow a pair and come back to reality.


Get over it? No way, not an option. Even if I don't lift a finger or have the resources to do a thing on this cause, I would certainly hope that others out there who do won't ever give up trying. To say that it's always going to be that way and to stop whining isn't the type of action that changes the world.


I also don't think that's in the heart of many here. Let me go start a thread about I don't give a fuck about what happened to our people on 911 and see what kind of response that raises. May I quote you in that thread by saying "as long as there are good people, there will be fucked up shit going on. All I see in this thread is wah wah wah. Grow a pair and come back to reality." ?

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Grow a pair and come back to reality.














































































































































































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How do you guys know that this isn't propaganda with the real situation blown out of context? How do you know whats really going on over there? How do you know what going on in your own country? You think the news and internet is full of 100% pure truth? Why any of you buy into all this shit to the point of arguing about it is beyond me, I'm getting a nice laugh about you guys right now. So go on thinking what you want to think. I could care less and still no fucks given.
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How do you guys know that this isn't propaganda with the real situation blown out of context? How do you know whats really going on over there? How do you know what going on in your own country? You think the news and internet is full of 100% pure truth? Why any of you buy into all this shit to the point of arguing about it is beyond me, I'm getting a nice laugh about you guys right now. So go on thinking what you want to think. I could care less and still no fucks given.


Scott, I'm telling you its real. Ive been there and seen it with my own fucking eyes. Its not a giant fucking conspiracy. Some people are okay with going about their life and only caring about themselves and not thinking of the harder questions in life. Myself and a few others evidently don't agree with living that way. Its not really an argument, just personal opinion.

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Scott, I'm telling you its real. Ive been there and seen it with my own fucking eyes. Its not a giant fucking conspiracy. Some people are okay with going about their life and only caring about themselves and not thinking of the harder questions in life. Myself and a few others evidently don't agree with living that way. Its not really an argument, just personal opinion.


If you say so, still isn't anything for me to do about regardless if I care or not. Life is much simpler for me to be ignorant.

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Scott, I'm telling you its real. Ive been there and seen it with my own fucking eyes. Its not a giant fucking conspiracy. Some people are okay with going about their life and only caring about themselves and not thinking of the harder questions in life. Myself and a few others evidently don't agree with living that way. Its not really an argument, just personal opinion.


So does doing mission work in the poorest parts of ohio and the united states count?

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So does doing mission work in the poorest parts of ohio and the united states count?


absolutely. There is so much shit in America. Go to Hurricane West Virginia for a stroll and tell me it doesn't look like an atomic blast went off.

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Mugabe = bigger problem that this unknown twat. Christ Julius Malema is another douche that needs to be taken out. Africa is full of nut jobs. Mandela got a fucking Nobel peace prize and he was setting bombs off left and right.


The media


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If you say so, still isn't anything for me to do about regardless if I care or not. Life is much simpler for me to be ignorant.


Im not attacking you Scott. You know me, I'm not in that business (for the most part). :masturboy:

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absolutely. There is so much shit in America. Go to Hurricane West Virginia for a stroll and tell me it doesn't look like an atomic blast went off.


LOL Hurricane WV, been to that fuckfest along with other hellish places along 68. Pretty much all of that region is bad.

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All I see in this thread is a bunch of fucking pussy Americans all a product of the feminization of man, whinning about some third world country that has no effect on you here in Ohio. My Grandparents would have looked at this video and said why do I care? This is the problem with the youth of today, all worried about other countries when they fail to see the probelms in our own country.
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All I see in this thread is a bunch of fucking pussy Americans all a product of the feminization of man, whinning about some third world country that has no effect on you here in Ohio. My Grandparents would have looked at this video and said why do I care? This is the problem with the youth of today, all worried about other countries when they fail to see the probelms in our own country.

I don't consider it part of the wussification. I think it's more of a self-image problem. We've been convinced that we're bad people. We have been guilt-tripped and told that we're evil because we are successful. Our problems at home don't matter as much because we don't DESERVE to fix them. Hell, poor people who can't feed themselves are better off in the US than those in other countries and therefor don't need to be helped.


It's all fucked up.


What I would love to see:

Dear World,

We, The United States of America, have taken a look around our home and decided that it needs a serious cleaning. So we're going to use up some of our sick hours and take the near future off while we get some stuff done around the house. You know, some cleaning, some fixing, balancing the checkbook. A membership at the gym might be in order as well. We'll pop out from time to time to pick up the groceries and do some shopping, but that's about it. We won't have time to chat.


In the meantime, we recommend you take care of yourselves and sort out your own issues. You can do it. You must. Because when we're done getting ourselves back into shape, you do NOT want us cleaning your house for you.



Those proud motherfuckers otherwise known as,

The United States of America

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If you say so, still isn't anything for me to do about regardless if I care or not. Life is much simpler for me to be ignorant.


All I see in this thread is a bunch of fucking pussy Americans all a product of the feminization of man, whinning about some third world country that has no effect on you here in Ohio. My Grandparents would have looked at this video and said why do I care? This is the problem with the youth of today, all worried about other countries when they fail to see the probelms in our own country.


Big Chief, it sounds as though you, your grand parents and Scott need to get together, pick a cause that's pertinent to you and do something to the level of this video and let that be the new bench mark for us to see if you all really do give a shit about something. We get it though...you don't care about third world countries and their children who are no different than ours aka...human beings. and that it's mainly because doing something for them won't have an effect on you here in Ohio. That's the spirit! Oh, and did I miss where anyone in this guys video put you down for not supporting him? Everyone sure is acting like he made it sound like we're all condemned to death and a life in hell if we don't. I must have missed that part.


The way I see it is these types of responses are what the real problem with our country is. People go around putting down someone elses efforts towards a cause that's important to them. You have a cause? Then man up and do what this guy and did and call me when you are at his level. The real problem is people don't look at others first, they look at themselves first. Many never even look for a cause to support because as has been said, it is much simpler to be ignorant. :dumb:

Edited by TTQ B4U
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I could care less and still no fucks given.


Scott, I like you and will share this story because I know you've discussed having problems with employers in the past. Just think how you would feel if at every point you brought up that was important to you they just simply said, "we could care less and no fucks are given" because what you were wanting to discuss wasn't impactful to them. Who knows, maybe they have. I've been at companies like that and honestly, moved on because of it.


Where I work now, they have an option for every single member of the 4,000+ employees that we can donate/transfer our sick time to someone in need. It's a pretty simple process but here's how it works.


Last year we found out through someone that followed the application process that a 58 yr old lady working at our Easton Location had cancer. She's a typical hourly worker that mans the front desk/security. Her chemotherapy and other treatments were not only expensive but her time off needed would have put her in a world of hurt since short term disability and FMLA options go with great reduce to near no pay.


I didn't know her at all. Never even said hello as I likely just walked past her on many occasions. I gave one of my sick days to her. Doesn't sound like much and I might just need it myself. However, I wasn't alone. We had over 200 people in the company cough up one day for her offering her nearly 10 months of paid sick time to get through the initial hurt that in the end just might kill her.


Not many companies even remotely offer such a thing. However, the management team at our company actually does give a shit and in the end, offering such things is the right thing to do. I went back this week and found out her Optical Rx needs changed due to the impact of her treatments. The company is supplying the frames and lenses and I'm making them for her, all at No Charge. Again, a cool thing that honestly, doesn't cost a $4B company much if anything at all.

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