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My good friend at work just picked up a new toy. 2006 ZX-14. Hoping to get pics this week. Looks just like this though.


Makes me want to go get a bike in such a very bad way!! I'm not that familiar with them but he tells me it's like 170hp and handles nice for a big bike. Only has 3,200 miles on it.


Any good tips to give him or things to look out for with them?



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Tip: Ride smart and safe.


Look out: For stupid drivers.




Ugh, that thing would look so many F'ing times better without that stupid-ass scallop fairing. That one part more than any other dates that bike big time.


Yea I have to agree

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Start with something small if you've not ridden before. There are a select few people who get a big bike as a first and survive the process. Other than that, just get a bike. Start cruising the dealerships and sit on every bike they have. Find one that is comfortable for you.


If you don't have your license, register for one of the safe rider courses offered by the state.




If you want to take one this summer, look at the schedule and register for a class as soon as you read this. Registrations opened on 2/6 - and these classes fill up immediately. I'm sure you can still get in one, but will probably be late summer now.


Sorry, I may have misread the original post. Are you looking for advice for yourself or him? If you want to start riding the above advice is for you.

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Start with something small if you've not ridden before.


He's an experienced rider. Been riding for 35 years.




Only if he lets me take it for a spin :)


that bike gonna be a handful, should be fun though if he can keep a straight head on his shoulders and not try to stunt it or anything


Again, he's solid. From Cali and has done Leguna quite a bit and in his time here been to mid ohio on his current bike.

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