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Chick goes crazy in a classroom


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She made threats on the lives of people in the class directly to their face. I would have walked up to her, subdued her and held her till the cops came in. What if she had a gun or knife? I dont care if she did or not, when someone makes threats like that, it's not fooling around time.
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Please don't allow anyone to tell you she was "bipolar" or anything like this. No, this looks a personality disordered idiot acting like a personality disordered idiot. There's a difference between the two, and far too often are terms like "bipolar" thrown around both inaccurately and as a built-in excuse for reprehensible behavior.




Bi-polar means your extraordinarily happy then extraordinarily sad. Not fucking psycho about peacocks and African American evolution.

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I think with as much posting that Mr. Bravo has done in this thread I think he is either attracted to or has an awkward boner to this chick.


I've noticed my overabundance of posting in this thread as well. :) I guess it's a topic I want to talk about.



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Bi-polar means your extraordinarily happy then extraordinarily sad. Not fucking psycho about peacocks and African American evolution.


That's not what bipolar means (from a clinical sense), but I'm glad you agree with me.

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You know what I was getting at...


Yes, I probably did, but at the same time I didn't want to allow a misperception of a diagnosis to be perpetuated. Bipolar disorder, along with ADHD and autism, is typically misunderstood, overdiagnosed, and used far too colloquially. If you must, fault me for feeling some sense of civic duty to make sure the diagnoses are used in accordance with their true clinical meanings.

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lol. Good Guy Johnny



Informs you that youre wrong but makes you feel good about it


LOL, it's not the Kitchen, so no need to be a jerk unnecessarily. I got what he was saying, I just felt compelled to get all technical about it.

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lolz I dont need to google it I wrote an term-paper on Bi-Polar disorder for psych101. In a nut shell Bi-polar disorder is characterized by periods of extreme happiness (sometimes referred to as mania) followed by periods of depression. Im quite sure Dr. Bravo can expand upon it further.
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I must be weird because I would have never sat there waiting for it to continue to escalate. I would have came back at her twice as loud and psycho (arms waving and yelling the most random shit) and then while she was caught off guard punched dead in the face and then held to the ground till the police arrived. This kind of shit Really pisses me off
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That woman will live her entire life acting like that. I think it is sad.


She was born, likely has acted just like that since childhood, will probably act like that until she dies, and that's that. I just can't imagine using up the only life I have being anything like her.

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lol at the dude right behind her, just sitting there like nothing going on, getting up, stretching his back out, and then walking out non-chalant like nothing's wrong. crazy shit. not sure what i would have done--likely just walked out and let her carry on by herself.
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That woman will live her entire life acting like that. I think it is sad.


She was born, likely has acted just like that since childhood, will probably act like that until she dies, and that's that. I just can't imagine using up the only life I have being anything like her.




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