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Snowboard trip pics, Aspen/Snowmass


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A couple of my friends moved out to Colorado a few years back so I try to visit when I can. Shot a few rifles in the mountains the first day, and then rode the rest of the time. Last time I went I rode the front range, Winterpark and Mary Jane, this time I finally got to ride the back range. Hit Aspen and Snowmass. Rode for free since my buddy works there. :)










Colorado is absolutely gorgeous. I am seriously considering moving there someday myself.

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Haha, I thought you'd like. We rode trees trying to powder hunt pretty much the whole time, since it's hardly snowing out there, and unseasonably warm. To my surprise and joy there were plenty of untracked tree paths. The last pic shows the glades we rode on the way, that was about halfway down.

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Aspen/snowmass is the best place I've ever been to skiing, for realz. Do they still have an igloo at the very top of the mountain?


I have to agree, the terrain was incredible, and the views riding down were incredible. I didn't see any igloos, but the areas are so huge I could have easily missed it.

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As you're going up the mountain on the far left side there's a trail that is super long. Above the start of that you can hike to a little plateau and there's a small igloo there, and usually a bunch of pot-smoking snowboarders and photogs. Great place to view the other peaks and such.
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Haha, Paul and I have discussed putting together a CR trip to somewhere with decent terrain, like Snowshoe or Seven Springs. My issue is planning around family stuff.


I went out there in 2005, great place. Did you make it up to the highlands bowl?


I did not, I tend to dislike riding bowls unless we're talking kneeshots. With the weather like it was I'd be afraid of the terrain.

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Haha, Paul and I have discussed putting together a CR trip to somewhere with decent terrain, like Snowshoe or Seven Springs. My issue is planning around family stuff.




I did not, I tend to dislike riding bowls unless we're talking kneeshots. With the weather like it was I'd be afraid of the terrain.


werd, when i was out it was the middle of december, so most things were covered, you still had the occasional tree/boulder/etc.


I'm not gonna lie, I was a bit out of my league, but I made it out without killing myself, so I consider it a success. Hell of a view though from up there.



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