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How long does the dizziness last? im sure it varies by severity, but i would think a week and a half later id be better. If im active, i seem to be better, but sitting in a spot trying to cocentrate (computer at work, etc), i feel slightly dizzy and like im zoning out. Also, when i turn my head certain ways or go from lying down to sitting up, i feel it come over me. Im supposed to follow up w/ doctor next week, just wondering whos been through it and what i can expect. It sucks.
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I've been through it, with a mild concussion it took me a good 4 days just to stand up and walk a straight line, and probably another week after that before I felt mostly normal again. It wouldn't hurt to speak with your doctor about it, but I wouldn't be super stressed about it at this point
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Yeah, when they took me from trauma room to overnight, he said "its only about 6 steps" and im thinking "ok, i feel alright"...sat up, a bit dizzy, went to stand, almost fell over. Luckily i had someone to balance me to walk to the bed. Worst feeling ever when you cant even walk without help. Luckily the next day i was able to walk around the floor
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Jesus Christ go get checked out.


At the risk of sounding alarmist, I'd second what Jesse has said and get checked out immediately. Concussive/neurological symptomatology isn't anything to be taken lightly. Hopefully, it's nothing, but you can't wait and take that risk, IMHO.

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Guys, calm down. Ive already been to the ER after the accident, even got a nice overnight stay out of it. I know my symptoms are normal, they told me to follow up w/ PCP in 2 weeks (next week). Just looking for anyone else who has been through it, how long symptoms lasted for them.
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Had a couple concussions back in the day, coach put me back in and I won state.


I didn't get put back in after mine...:(


I've had 4 IIRC, and it usually took a week or two to feel better.

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Guys, calm down. Ive already been to the ER after the accident, even got a nice overnight stay out of it. I know my symptoms are normal, they told me to follow up w/ PCP in 2 weeks (next week). Just looking for anyone else who has been through it, how long symptoms lasted for them.


Seems pretty normal from the 3+ I've had. Well as normal as being concussed is. I mean I get dizzy from time to time even now, years later. That could be completely unrelated though.

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Already fighting it...i was in the wrong but won't admit it. she made a turn into me, with no signal. fucking 17 year olds and their massive cars, I should have known I couldn't take one in a fight.



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Wow. Didn't know about that. Glad to hear you are ok, for the most part. Hopefully that dizziness and stuff will pass soon.


My job is only 9 miles from my house, but things like that scare the shit out of me, which unfortunately keeps me from riding.

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Well that sucks..get better soon...so I am guessing since your were cited you dont have any legal recourse


Thats why im fighting it. Got an appt with an atty set up for 4/3.


As for hals smart ass comment, i was not in the wrong. She was not signaling, which is why i attempted to continue straight. I was looking for a signal as i came to the intersection, as i always do. Im not going to continue this with you because frankly, your opinion doesnt matter, you werent there to see or know what happened, and honestly, i still think you're an asshole.


Sully, depending on where you live, i wouldnt be too worried about it. For the most part, everywhere ive ridden, 99% of the drivers are considerate and safe, will wait for a safe point to pass and give you plenty of room, etc...you'll get the occasional asshole who thinks its a great idea to blow a horn to startle you or pass you closer than youd like, but its rare. This just happened to be one of those 1% times. It didnt deter me, accident was wednesday night, i replaced my destroyed wheel and did a 34 mile ride this past sunday, and rode to work (5.6mi each way) wednesday and thursday. Unlimited gas mileage for the win.

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Thats why im fighting it. Got an appt with an atty set up for 4/3.


As for hals smart ass comment, i was not in the wrong. She was not signaling, which is why i attempted to continue straight. I was looking for a signal as i came to the intersection, as i always do. Im not going to continue this with you because frankly, your opinion doesnt matter, you werent there to see or know what happened, and honestly, i still think you're an asshole.


Sully, depending on where you live, i wouldnt be too worried about it. For the most part, everywhere ive ridden, 99% of the drivers are considerate and safe, will wait for a safe point to pass and give you plenty of room, etc...you'll get the occasional asshole who thinks its a great idea to blow a horn to startle you or pass you closer than youd like, but its rare. This just happened to be one of those 1% times. It didnt deter me, accident was wednesday night, i replaced my destroyed wheel and did a 34 mile ride this past sunday, and rode to work (5.6mi each way) wednesday and thursday. Unlimited gas mileage for the win.

Oh yeah, you mad. I'm still waiting for your week ban for losing the bet. Cyclists are a nuisance, I'm glad justice was served.

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