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I hate the hospital


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but I'm sure my daughter hates it more. We've been stuck here at Childrens since thursday afternoon. She's had 2 MRIs, and a spinal tap, so they can tell us that it looks like she has a viral infection of her optic nerve. There's some fancy name for it, but I can't think about it right now. We'll be here until monday getting steroids through her IV.


She's being a better trooper then my wife and I, and should be fine. If the steroids work she should be getting her sight back to normal soon. She can't see very well right now especially with her left eye.


BTW, I don't feel like being a hardass anymore, its been a real 36 hours, so to those of you with some bullshit to say, fuck you.

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Its one thing to be a Dick in a my car is better than you thread, but I'm sure most of us wish you and your daughter.well during this.


I hope shes doing better soon, is this a long term problem?


No should get it cleared up, they don't think it'll be a threat once she's got past it. Something that happens in rare occasions when a child has a drawn out viral infection, which she had most of last month.

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Just the thought of being stuck here. She's recovered from the spinal, that was rough.


Yeah, I've heard they're excruciating. Just be thankful that the hospital is there for times like this, even though it does suck having to be there.

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Yeah, I've heard they're excruciating. Just be thankful that the hospital is there for times like this, even though it does suck having to be there.


You don't have to defend the hospital Hal, I am very glad that its there. None likes to be there and thats what I meant.



Thanks everyone for the well wishes, she's in pretty good spirits :). The staff at Children's has been very nice and accomodating so it hasn't been any harder then it needed to be.

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Yeah, I've heard they're excruciating.


They are. I remember very little from mine except feeling like my lower half was boiling hot and being stung by a billion hornets. Fortunately that memory is mostly blocked out.


Your daughter is a trooper for going through that.

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Good luck with your daughter. Kids are incredible. They can recover from things you couldn't imagine. People take for granted just how awesome childrens hospital is. Trust me when I tell you that hospital is world class. When I worked there they had the 3rd busiest e.r. Of ANY childrens hospital in the country.
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Sorry to hear about that man, that really sucks. At least they figured out what it is though. I hope she's back to normal quickly. You're normally helping people out on CR, is there anything we can help out with? If you want I can grab some takeout and drop it by the hospital so you don't have to leave (and don't have to eat cafeteria food).
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Sorry to hear about that man, that really sucks. At least they figured out what it is though. I hope she's back to normal quickly. You're normally helping people out on CR, is there anything we can help out with? If you want I can grab some takeout and drop it by the hospital so you don't have to leave (and don't have to eat cafeteria food).


I really appreciate that offer, but I've been leaving my wife there and doing the running. Today was my saturday to work so I'm at work right now, I'll have a list by the time I head over there this afternoon. Between her doing good last night and having things I needed to get back to customers I'm working this morning, but not for much longer.

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