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the Trayvon Martin case


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I predict that there will be no conviction, because Zimmerman has a plausible defense given the lack of witnesses and physical evidence. That said, fuck that guy. Kid was walking home with a bag of skittles and ended up dead. Anything that happened in between was Zimmerman's fault for sticking his trigger-happy nose where it didn't belong. If he had just minded his own business, there'd be one less dead person. If he hadn't been armed, there'd be one less dead person. Legally he may have a valid defense, but it pisses me off that someone can initiate a confrontation and then shoot their way out of it when things get too real for them.


Zimmerman will be found guilty one way or another though, if a jury doesn't put him down, some self-righteous rat will.

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Zimmerman will be found guilty one way or another though, if a jury doesn't put him down, some self-righteous rat will.


He'll lose the inevitable civil suit. You're right, one way or another his life is going to be shitty for a long time. So I guess I should take some comfort in that.

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Like you said upthread, so much is based on what we've read and has yet to be proven. "There was obviously a fight" is speculation at this point. You read he had a broken nose, but that's also speculation at this point. You're assuming that Martin caused Zimmerman to fear for his life, which is taking Zimmerman's word that the shooting was self-defense. Speculation.


So, given the facts in evidence, all I know is that Zimmerman confronted a kid who was innocently walking home, and the kid ended up dead. If he hadn't confronted him, or if he hadn't been armed, no dead people. Dude fucked up.


It's all speculation except that there are screams for help on a 911 call, shots fired, and a kids is dead. We can agree to disagree on who fucked up. Time will tell. I do believe however, if evidence at the scene were that Zimmerman was a cold blooded killer that they would have arrested him. Something in the facts there allowed him to walk.


Just like how people shouldn't have vaginas if they didn't want to get raped. You shouldn't let people make you think your life is in danger by following them around late at night when you're twice their size and carrying a gun.


The next time I get punch in the dick with a vagina and it's called rape, I'll call you. Again, story so far is there was a fight and a shooting, not just a guy shooting a kid walking down the street. The latest witness that appeared on TV was another 13yr old kid that confirmed Zimmerman was the one on the ground. Zimmerman's attorney is the one who confirmed his broken nose, injuries to the back of his head and the grass stains on his shirt. So while it's still speculation, I'll take the word of a witness and a lawyer stating facts like that in the public eye as at least more than likely being correct.

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It's all speculation except that there are screams for help on a 911 call, shots fired, and a kids is dead. We can agree to disagree on who fucked up. Time will tell. I do believe however, if evidence at the scene were that Zimmerman was a cold blooded killer that they would have arrested him. Something in the facts there allowed him to walk.


Fair enough. Personally, I think there's something in between "cold blooded killer" and "lawful gun owner fearing for his life," and that something is "dude gets popped in the nose, gets mad, shoots kid, claims self defense." I also think there's an element of the cops making the same assumptions that Zimmerman did -- black kid, up to no good, wearing a hoodie, etc. So when the story that Zimmerman told them fit nicely with their built-in prejudices, everything seemed neat and tidy. But I really don't want to go down the race road because I don't think it's important.


I know Zimmerman guessed wrong about Martin when he called 911 and decided to follow him. I think he overreacted in the heat of the moment. And that's probably we're we'll have to agree to disagree.

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Fair enough. Personally, I think there's something in between "cold blooded killer" and "lawful gun owner fearing for his life," and that something is "dude gets popped in the nose, gets mad, shoots kid, claims self defense." I also think there's an element of the cops making the same assumptions that Zimmerman did -- black kid, up to no good, wearing a hoodie, etc. So when the story that Zimmerman told them fit nicely with their built-in prejudices, everything seemed neat and tidy. But I really don't want to go down the race road because I don't think it's important.


I know Zimmerman guessed wrong about Martin when he called 911 and decided to follow him. I think he overreacted in the heat of the moment. And that's probably we're we'll have to agree to disagree.


I think it was a case of Zimmerman feeling a little more brave than he was and likely more like a cop than a simple neighborhood watch dog. He should have called the cops to investigate the suspicious guy and not confronted him. Once the fight ensued, he likely had no skills, panic set in and he shot.


I can't say I feel it was a butt-hurt Zimmerman that shot him. Point blank in the chest tells me he was likely on top of Zimmerman as described. Butt hurt and ego bruised wouldn't likely be that close. That's more of a 10' distance and a "fuck you" -bang, "your dead" situation.

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I think it was a case of Zimmerman feeling a little more brave than he was and likely more like a cop than a simple neighborhood watch dog. He should have called the cops to investigate the suspicious guy and not confronted him. Once the fight ensued, he likely had no skills, panic set in and he shot.


I can't say I feel it was a butt-hurt Zimmerman that shot him. Point blank in the chest tells me he was likely on top of Zimmerman as described. Butt hurt and ego bruised wouldn't likely be that close. That's more of a 10' distance and a "fuck you" -bang, "your dead" situation.


I suppose I can agree with all of this. I guess I just don't see how "He had no skills, panic set in, and he shot," can be viewed with anything other than contempt. As a legal defense, it's probably good enough. But in the court of public opinion? Pure shitstain.

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Does anyone remember the Duke lacrosse player's? When the allegations first came out there was a HUGE public outcry, the kids were practically crucified before they were even charged with any crime. Turns out in the end the girl made up the whole thing and the 3 kids all had allibies for their whereabouts when she was supposably "raped" oh and did anyone forget to mention her occupation as a stripper for hire?


Anyway, in that case the truth came out with time and proper investigation. I think and HOPE the same can be said for this case also. When it first came out the media portrayed Zimmerman as a racist and a vigilante and Trayvon as an innocent kid just walking home from his girlfriends place. Now its being switched around that zimmerman was attacked and Trayvon was some thug who was recently expelled from school for 10days. Don't trust what you hear in the media just yet, its all bullshit.

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Does anyone remember the Duke lacrosse player's? When the allegations first came out there was a HUGE public outcry, the kids were practically crucified before they were even charged with any crime. Turns out in the end the girl made up the whole thing and the 3 kids all had allibies for their whereabouts when she was supposably "raped" oh and did anyone forget to mention her occupation as a stripper for hire?


Anyway, in that case the truth came out with time and proper investigation. I think and HOPE the same can be said for this case also. When it first came out the media portrayed Zimmerman as a racist and a vigilante and Trayvon as an innocent kid just walking home from his girlfriends place. Now its being switched around that zimmerman was attacked and Trayvon was some thug who was recently expelled from school for 10days. Don't trust what you hear in the media just yet, its all bullshit.


Yeap... couldn't have said it better my self.

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A serious civil war is abrewing if this doesnt die down.


I feel suppressed as a white person.


and tim:




I agree with the media narrative assessment, and "trial by media storm" this has caused... BUT for clarity, it has already been proven, that the lower right is NOT Trayvon Martin (not hte same one anyway)... that is one of those inaccurate viral pictures, which is a "media spin" in and of itself...

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Imagine that. Another double standard.


Al Sharpton is involved, therefore nothing worth a shit will come of this situation.


I love how it became "racist" all of a sudden. Funny story, why didn't this story gather more attention?




Him and Jesse Jackson have done more harm to the black race than white folk have...




So, given the facts in evidence, all I know is that Zimmerman confronted a kid who was innocently walking home, and the kid ended up dead. If he hadn't confronted him, or if he hadn't been armed, no dead people. Dude fucked up.




I agree with the rest, though. If Zimmerman had minded his own business, none of this would be happening. They give arrest powers to police only for a reason.


I think it was a case of Zimmerman feeling a little more brave than he was and likely more like a cop than a simple neighborhood watch dog. He should have called the cops to investigate the suspicious guy and not confronted him. Once the fight ensued, he likely had no skills, panic set in and he shot.


I can't say I feel it was a butt-hurt Zimmerman that shot him. Point blank in the chest tells me he was likely on top of Zimmerman as described. Butt hurt and ego bruised wouldn't likely be that close. That's more of a 10' distance and a "fuck you" -bang, "your dead" situation.


Which is exactly while he'll hang. Whether he was getting his ass kicked by Martin or not, is moot. Once again, YOU CANNOT CLAIM SELF DEFENSE IF YOU GO LOOKING FOR TROUBLE AND FIND IT. It doesn't work like that. If trouble finds you, then you're OK.


Does anyone remember the Duke lacrosse player's? When the allegations first came out there was a HUGE public outcry, the kids were practically crucified before they were even charged with any crime. Turns out in the end the girl made up the whole thing and the 3 kids all had allibies for their whereabouts when she was supposably "raped" oh and did anyone forget to mention her occupation as a stripper for hire?


Anyway, in that case the truth came out with time and proper investigation. I think and HOPE the same can be said for this case also. When it first came out the media portrayed Zimmerman as a racist and a vigilante and Trayvon as an innocent kid just walking home from his girlfriends place. Now its being switched around that zimmerman was attacked and Trayvon was some thug who was recently expelled from school for 10days. Don't trust what you hear in the media just yet, its all bullshit.


Completely forgot about that case, but I think this one will probably end up similar. I don't feel either party in this case is purely innocent. But I'm going to laugh my ass off if it turns out that little Trayvon isn't as sweet as the media is making him seem.

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Can't wait for this whole story to get turned around.


Either way, if Martin came back after Zimmerman or not, Zimmerman was still in the wrong to instigate anything. My guess is at the very least he gets hit with some Manslaughter charges.


You cannot start off as the agressor, then claim self defense when it backfires on you.

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After ending my telephone conversation with the emergency dispatch operator, I began heading back to my home, where I planned on completing the sweaters I was knitting for orphans in Sudan. It was then that I remembered that my good friend Trayvon was visiting his father, and surely that was the man I saw walking home. Imagine my embarassment! I decided that it wouldn't be fair to let the police rough up the poor lad, so I turned around to return to the place I last saw him.


"Excuse me!" I called. "Oh Trayvon! Lovely night isn't it? Amazing how the moon reflects off the clouds. Say, what have you got there? Skittles? My, I do love me some Skittles. But as you can see, I already possess a character of, how shall we say, rather rotund proportions, so I must not partake. But thank you for your kindly offer. I just wanted to warn you that I made the, gosh, how should I put this, ever so understable mistake of alerting the local constables of a suspicious person in the area. Little did I know at the time, dear friend, that it was merely Mr. Martin, traversing the streets of our fine neighborhood on his return trip from a snack merchant."


It was then that things got ugly. Trayvon said that he didn't think our neighborhood was particularly fine at all. In fact, he said he believed it sucked! Such offensive language from the mouths of babes. I wouldn't stand idly by while he disparaged our fine community, so I said, "Trayvon, what would your father say if he heard you talking like that? Perhaps we should go tell him now, what do you think?" And Trayvon replied, rather angrily, "Fuck you, spic cracker beaner honkey. I bet you don't even have the fucking gonads to shoot me point blank in the chest."


Well, I was taken aback, to be sure, but I did my best to regain my composure. "Now Trayvon," I stumbled, but the remainder of my thoughts were soon aswirl in floating stars and tweety birds. As I regained my composure, it become apparent that I had been socked, right in the nose! Well, I had no idea it was to come to fisticuffs, but if he was stewing for a fight, I wasn't about to go down easy.


Except that I went down easy. You see, I have a bad knee here, from the time I rescued that family from a burning apartment building. Already bewildered from a shattered nasal bone, I was unable to maintain an upright stature as Trayvon shoved me to the earth. "Trayvon, how could you! We were supposed to go yachting in the Hamptons this summer!" I cried, as my head cracked the pavement. Blow after blow, he rained his rage down on me. I pleaded with him to take mercy, but he was clearly engaged in the recreational use of marijuana. Reefer, as a I believe the negroes like to call it.


I had nearly lost all hope by the time young Trayvon grabbed the sidearm out of my holster. "Don't do it!" I screamed, as he held the barrel firmly against his own chest. His last words to me, coldly uttered, were, "You're going to hang for my death, Jewboy." And then he closed his eyes and discharged a single round into himself."


I was beside myself with grief. When the detectives arrived, I couldn't bear the thought of the Martin family learning that their son had committed suicide. For you see, I'm a devout Catholic, and my religion believes that the souls of those who end their own lives are not destined for eternal rest. So I did the only noble thing I could do in that situation -- I took the blame for his death. Oh, forgive me! I could have done so much more to save the life of this troubled youth. Perhaps if I had shared his Skittles after all, none of this would have ever happened.

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Either way, if Martin came back after Zimmerman or not, Zimmerman was still in the wrong to instigate anything. My guess is at the very least he gets hit with some Manslaughter charges.


You cannot start off as the agressor, then claim self defense when it backfires on you.


How was he in the wrong? He was hired on as the neighborhood watchman. That was his responsibility to investigate anything going on in the neighborhood. Had he not responded to the suspicious person and something got stolen/broken into, someone would have been angry at him for not doing his "job."


Honestly, i think this family is just looking for the attention. I just read that they're on their way to capital hill, to discuss some racial profiling bullshit. The only reason this is still relevant to anyone is because the media outlets are still covering it. This family is just butthurt their kid was in the wrong place at the wrong time. As already pointed out, you dont hear of white families crying foul when a black person murders/rapes a white person. Why?


I think the dude will walk. He will be offered some sort of whitness protection plan and we'll never hear of him again.

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How was he in the wrong? He was hired on as the neighborhood watchman. That was his responsibility to investigate anything going on in the neighborhood.
Link that he was hired? That still gives him 0 authority to do anything. His responsibility would be to call anything suspicious into the police. Trying to be a vigilante does not give you police power.

Had he not responded to the suspicious person and something got stolen/broken into, someone would have been angry at him for not doing his "job."
Nah, instead a teenager is dead. Of course maybe someone getting "mad" at him would be much worse in your eyes?



I think the dude will walk. He will be offered some sort of whitness protection plan and we'll never hear of him again.


Uhhh..... what?

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If zimmereman was retreating he is no longer the aggressor, esp. If he was then followed and attacked by martin.


He still instigated the whole situation. Which is why in that case he probably wouldn't get anything more than a few years for manslaughter or something along those lines. He was following the kid in his truck, then chased after him on foot.

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Zimmerman is nothing more than a vigilante in my opinion


Over the years, his scores of calls to police showed he pursued shoplifters and errant drivers with zeal, reporting pit bulls, potholes, children playing in the street, open garage doors and “suspicious” youths — usually black males — loitering in the street.

He peppered his calls with jargon familiar to police. In one case, he chased a reckless driver while calling 911 — the driver later told police he was terrified that Zimmerman was going to attack him. In another case, Zimmerman tailed a supermarket shoplifter until a police officer successfully arrested the thief.

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you dont hear of white families crying foul when a black person murders/rapes a white person. Why?


Because usually the police do their job and properly investigate the crime? Seriously, if my daughter (cute little blonde girl) were shot and killed by a black guy who admitted to shooting and killing said cute little blonde girl, do you honestly think the dude would still be walking around free several weeks later?


The police would be falling all over themselves to round up brown people.

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Because usually the police do their job and properly investigate the crime? Seriously, if my daughter (cute little blonde girl) were shot and killed by a black guy who admitted to shooting and killing said cute little blonde girl, do you honestly think the dude would still be walking around free several weeks later?


The police would be falling all over themselves to round up brown people.


Fair enough.

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How people are out here defending Zimmerman is beyond me. The 911 calls alone should tell everyone that he was out to do just what he did that night. He was tired of "Those people getting away with it". He was told to stand down. He didn't. Even if Trayvon showed some aggression towards him he had right to. He was being followed by Zimmerman's dumbass.

Sadly there is only one story to be obtained here. Zimmerman can make up whatever he wants now and no one can contest it other than references of the kids character. Regardless if he's convicted or not, he needs to be arrested while the investigation is handled.

For the media or whoever to now start destroying the kids name by bringing up suspensions and such is bullshit. Has nothing to do with the incident.

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How people are out here defending Zimmerman is beyond me. The 911 calls alone should tell everyone that he was out to do just what he did that night. He was tired of "Those people getting away with it". He was told to stand down. He didn't. Even if Trayvon showed some aggression towards him he had right to. He was being followed by Zimmerman's dumbass.

Sadly there is only one story to be obtained here. Zimmerman can make up whatever he wants now and no one can contest it other than references of the kids character. Regardless if he's convicted or not, he needs to be arrested while the investigation is handled.

For the media or whoever to now start destroying the kids name by bringing up suspensions and such is bullshit. Has nothing to do with the incident.


Because his story is being coroborated by 2 or more independent witnesses.

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