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Computer peeps is this laptop decent?


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Looking for quick answer if this laptop is good for the money or not. Tapped at at the high end of the budget, just dont want to buy junk. Thanks



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I looked online a little and couldnt find a better deal. It will be used for browsing and light gaming editing using something called hauppage I believe. I certainly found cheaper ones but the guy at bestbuy said the amd processor was going to be better than than i5 intel version of the similar laptop. He also stated this quad core was better for my uses than the dual or else I would have stuck with the cheaper one as well.
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That's a 1.5GHz quad core cpu. It'll speed to 2.4 for short bursts if need be. It's an alright processor. Far from a speed demon tho. And 4 gigs of RAM is plenty. There is absolutely no need for you to upgrade to 8gb.


Edit: the Best buy guy is full of shit. An i5 will blow this out of the water.

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