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So it begins, stores being looted by Trayvon protesters


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the comments on that link piss me off to no end, i love the pro racist behind a keyboard, let most of those fuck be seen in public and not a peep would come from their mouths. oh and what a dumbass way to show your angry... THANKS TO THE SMALL GROUP "BLACK PEOPLE AGAIN LOOK LIKE A BUNCH OF RETARDS WHO CANT READ THE NEWS AND DETERMINE WHAT REALLY WENT DOWN." smdh
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Can someone tell me what I'm watching here? I'm having a hard time seeing what exactly is going on. The video's a little dark.



Simmer down. You know I'm just fucking with you.


:confused: lighting is fine on my iphone.... maybe you should invest in a better computer, im sure times are tough in all living in that trailor home, but a new monitor isnt that much if you save up. lay off the key stone and grizzley for a wk.;)

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Funny thing the major "news" sites (cnn, msnbc) were just face humping the hell out of this whole story, but there is no mention of this video on there.


Acutally, if you go to each site they have pulled their front page coverage of this....

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:confused: lighting is fine on my iphone.... maybe you should invest in a better computer, im sure times are tough in all living in that trailor home, but a new monitor isnt that much if you save up. lay off the key stone and grizzley for a wk.;)


he was being racist Phillip, he was saying it was dark cause of all the black people.... :lol:

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"Stole everything but the job applications".


Literally lol'd


:confused: lighting is fine on my iphone.... maybe you should invest in a better computer, im sure times are tough in all living in that trailor home, but a new monitor isnt that much if you save up. lay off the key stone and grizzley for a wk.;)


I think my phone has the same problem...little to dark for me :gabe:

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he was being racist Phillip, he was saying it was dark cause of all the black people.... :lol:




oh, thats just wrong (cleveland voice)



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