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Black Ops 2


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Looks like its official.


A few Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 multiplayer details may have been leaked via a thread on Activision's forums, which was later taken down by the publisher. The game hasn't even officially been announced, so you should keep in mind that posts like this often show up for upcoming games, claiming details that are later proven false. But, until Activision comes along and tells us otherwise, it's fun to speculate, right?


When Eric Hirshberg, CEO of Activision Publishing originally spoke on the nexr Call of Duty game, he said, "This year we expect to further expand our presence with the launch of an all-new epic first-person shooter title under the Call of Duty brand. From what we've seen to date, the game already looks fantastic and will bring meaningful innovations to the franchise."


NEWS: Modern Warfare 3 DLC Pack Adds Four Maps, Two Spec Ops Missions On March 20


The most important information we found while scouring the post was the alleged Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 release date. According to the post, the first-person-shooter has an expected release date of November 6, 2012. There will be a new multiplayer game mode, Escort, and Kill Confirmed from Modern Warfare 3 will make a return.


Read on for all of the details.


Game Modes


Escort, a new game mode.

Similar to Search and Destroy however a live player must be escorted to one of three areas (or two depending on the map) without being killed.

The match will have rounds, consisting of one life only.

Drop Zone and Kill Confirmed will return

Team Defender and Infected will not return




Will follow from Modern Warfare 3’s system

Larger emphasis on objectives

A bomb plant is worth 2 points

A neutral flag is worth 1, however an enemy flag is worth 2

A flag assist capture is worth 1, a capture is worth 2

The Specialist Pointstreak has be modified

2 kills now gets you 1 perk

The 4th kill gets you 2 more perks

The 6th kill gets you 3 more perks

The 8th Kill gets you 4 more perks

You do not get every perk when you reach 8 kills

Perks only become “Pro” when you have them Pro

RC XD will not return

Heat vision is a new Pointstreak reward. When you get the required points, you can activate this Pointstreak and your player pulls out a scope and attaches it to your weapon.

This scopes main advantage is it’s ability to detect enemies through most walls. Note, the scope can only be attached to primaries not including shotguns


Item Packages


Requires 5 points

Fall along side care packages and air drop traps.

Features a list of package items only Including ammo, mini gun, grenade launcher, rocket launcher, and body armor




There will be 15 prestiges

There will be 50 ranks

Every two prestiges there is a 5 rank increase

The final prestige has 90 levels




ELITE is being fully incorporated into Black Ops 2

Combat record has been modified and re-named as ELITE Stats

There will be a specific lobby for clan matches (new way of leveling clans)

Clan Tournaments can now be implemented




No MOAB or Nuke

No last stand

No death streaks

No flame thrower attachment


Map Design


Map design and size will be following Black Ops not Modern Warfare 3


Sniper Rifles


Improved sniper rifle usage.

No aim assist for any sniper rifle.

Less sway




No longer just perk 1 chooses the players appearance

Appearance is a combination of all perks and type of Pointstreak being used.




Larger emphasis on hardcore than ever before

No grenade launchers

Only vehicle guided rocket launchers permitted

Respawn timings decreased (for most modes)

1 bullet in the foot will no longer kill a person, a head or chest shot is usually required.

A person will now bleed out if severely injured.


Perk System 2.0


The Perk Pro system has been upgraded

There is now 2 options a perk can advance to.

Both require different challenges to unlock

Once the desired Pro version is unlocked, the player can select that as their “Perk Pro”.

Once selected, the only way to choose the other option is by entering prestige mode.

For example Perk slot 1 has the perk called Speed

Speed – Reduces the time taken to aim down the sight

Pro I – Swaps weapons faster

Pro II – Throws equipment faster


Combat Training


Will be returning with vast improvements.

Difficulty is no longer based on how long the bots take to start shooting.

Bots now have an advance AI system

Similar to the behavior seen in the MW3 Spec Ops survival


Remember, this is all unconfirmed information. But if even some of it turned out to be true, what do you like about the additions?

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Eh I think I am done with COD. I beat MW3, and didn't play more than a few hours of the multiplayer. Black Ops was fun, but had lots of flaws (as Treyarch games do). I guess we'll wait to see exactly what kinds of "innovations" it brings to the franchise, but I am kind of over it.
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I'll give it a look but MW3 has kind of killed the series for me. Just isn't fun anymore. Black Ops was my favorite and I'm sure I will get flamed from the infinity ward fan boys but Black Ops played the best out of the box.
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Not an IW fanboy but I got rid of Black Ops after a week. Now that I know all about lag compensation (Black Ops was the first game COD title it appeared in) I understand why. Hit detection was garbage because of the lag compensation and it's very similar in MW3. It's a bit more solid and they've tweaked it a lot - even patched it to the point that they can adjust lag compensation with hot fixes - but I would love it if they'd just get rid of it and, like I said, unless there's an announcement before the game or I find out after it comes out that the lag compensation is gone then I'm not going near it.


I like some of the things the OP says about BO2 (no more death streaks especially) but lag compensation (have I mentioned it yet?) simply needs to go. If you don't have good enough internet to be able to find a game around you where you're not bouncing all over the place then you shouldn't be gaming online or you just need to suck it up and deal with it. People like me who pay a good bit to make sure their internet is great shouldn't be punished because people with shitty connections bitch about lag.

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