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Dad not doing too well.


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So I got a call yesterday from my Mom (which I talk to a lot) telling me that Dad basically blacked out and passed out and smacked his head on the floor (pergo in the kitchen). She was talking to him but he just stared at her with a blank stare and didn't acknowledge anything. So she called the ambulance. They took him to St Annes and then had to transfer him to Mount Carmel West (guessing they were full). They ran some scans and found out he hit his head so hard that he has a bruise on his brain. He's also on coumadin (sp).. blood thinner along with 20 some other different medications for his parkinsons. They gave him two bags of plasma cells and took him off the coumadin. Yeah, he's had Parkinsons for the past 10 years or so too. Which isn't getting any better. His motor skills are shot and it just sucks seeing your Dad like this. This past year has been pretty rough for my mom and the family. Countless calls to 911 for him falling down..etc.


This just sucks knowing one of your parents is going through all this pain and you can't do shit about it.


I honestly don't see him outliving my grandma (moms mom) who is 90 f'n years old and has smoked a pack of pall malls every day for the past 70 years or so and she's still going (not strong, but going very well for her age).



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Well I found out some more information. Heart doc basically said either A: his heart was out a rythm and that caused him to fall down and hit his head and cause the stroke that he had.. or B: the stroke happened first and then the heart went out of rythm.


I saw him today and he's not in a coma (as what the docs said). He's just in a very deep sleep because the side of the brain that he hit his head is just causing him to sleep (if that makes any sense). He's sleeping and sometimes snoring, then jerking his hands/lets around and making some very odd faces like he's in a total freakin' nightmare. It sucks.


They're waiting until the bruise/bleeding goes down in his brain (48-72 hours) and he then should wake up. Now if he has no feeling on one of the sides that's another thing. The nurse talked to him and got him to squeeze her hands one at a time so it's like he can hear her.. but not wake up. I tickled his foot and he jerked the foot away like you would when you're ticklish.

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Good luck man. I had to go through something similar when my dad had a what should of been fatal brain anurism. The 3yr recovery process was the most painful part emotionally, I don't wish this shit on my worst enemy.


Again, good luck, and I hope things improve!

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I'm terrified of my parents getting old and something like this happening to them. Not only would it be horrible to see them lose their independence but also I worry about being able to give them the care they deserve, being I am an only child I have no siblings to help take care of them.


Hope he gets better soon.

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Went to see him today. Things were looking better. They did a CAT scan on him and they said the bruising on the brain wasn't getting any bigger (which is good) but wasn't getting any smaller.


The nurse dude talked to him and had him squeeze his hand and he did. Then asked him to hold up two fingers. He HELD up TWO fucking fingers... while in a deep sleep! Crazy shit. It's like he's still in a sleep/nightmare, and can hear outside words, but just can't wake up. I'm hoping he comes out of this in the next day or so.

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