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Bought my first DSLR


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I just picked up a D3100 yesterday. I took photography at OSU about 5 years ago but forget most of what I learned. I'll be in Riviera Maya for a wedding in a few weeks, any tips? Settings for the wedding itself (on the beach)? Sunsets? etc. Any useful info would be great, thanks!
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Probably going to get different tips from folks. What lenses did your kit come with? just the 18-55 or the 55-200 too?


Not sure what your budget is but....


- firstly get a tripod. I got this one a while ago and I love it. Basically take it everywhere. It will help give you some great shots. Since the D3100 doesn't have bracketing. The tripod will be something you can use to change the EV and take multiple shots manually.




- I really like my 35 mm f1.8 lens for traveling. Its a prime lens with a huge apperture. Its light (great for traveling) and cheap ($200).

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Pick up a "Field Guide" and learn about your camera :)


If you have an iphone, pick up the ken rockwell app for your camera.. as well a Light Meter (an AMAZING free app on iphone)

PhotoCaddy is also nice for tips on the go :)


the 18-55 Nikon is actually an AWESOME lens, comparatively from the Canon which is a so-so lens.


The 35/50 1.8 primes are both awesome lens to have handy by ANY photographer. Both can be had very cheaply.


Take the camera off the green box :)


Learn how to take photos in low light, as its the most painful thing to learn in photography. IMHO. (low f-stop is important)


Pre Sunset and just after dusk are the best lighting of the day to take photos..



when photographing people, always focus on space between the eyes, or directly the eyes. (if more than one person, use a higher FStop)

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