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Speeding ticket


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4:30am...beautiful, quiet drive into the airport for an out-and-back day of meetings. Listening to fascinating interview on NPR...only car coming into the airport off of 670.


Blew by the control tower doing 53 in a 35. :fuuuu:


At least I didn't get hassled for window tint, plate cover, no updated registration sticker on the back, and no plate on the front. I guess the cop thought I'd be chewy enou on this fkking ticket.


Thanks for letting me vent, CR :thumbup:

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Airport police are paying for that construction effort in force for the past year or more. I see them somewhere either on the way in or out of the airport upon every trip.


My only thought is you need to have created this in the kitchen and gone off the deep end resulting in a 200+ post thread about Clay freaking out :gabe:

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They should of just keep the road straight in instead of what they did. It looks great, but there wasn't anything I can remember needing fixed. Sucks about the ticket, but you know they are always just chilling there. I was playing NASCAR waiting on my wife on here last trip just making laps around out there. I think I got a laugh out of the cop as many laps as I did. I thought he might just try to pull me over to see what in the fuck I was doing so I just waved every lap from then on. ;)
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Fuck traffic cops.


I kinda feel that way but mainly when they act like 70-75 in a 65mph zone with light traffic is a big deal. I thought of Clay today as I pushed past an OSP on 71 north coming back from Cinci today going 72mph and he gave me the hand gesture to slow down as I crept past him. So I just dead locked the cruise next to him and helped HIM clogg of 1/2 mile of traffic behind us.


I hate ass hats like that. They cruise at 65mph and cause a Thanksgiving Day traffic Jam to occur. Worry about cars going 80-85 flying past people unsafely, not the regular commuters just trying to keep traffic flowing.


Fuck! 80mph is flowing traffic is safer than 55-65 mph traffic filled with road ragers trying to zap the dicks in front of them blocking traffic as they putz along with laser beams coming out of their eyes.


Needless to say I'm sure he heard the 3-4 cars including me floor it when he hit the exit ramp. One was a pretty loud Mustang that took the fuck off :)

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I kinda feel that way but mainly when they act like 70-75 in a 65mph zone with light traffic is a big deal. I thought of Clay today as I pushed past an OSP on 71 north coming back from Cinci today going 72mph and he gave me the hand gesture to slow down as I crept past him. So I just dead locked the cruise next to him and helped HIM clogg of 1/2 mile of traffic behind us.


I hate ass hats like that. They cruise at 65mph and cause a Thanksgiving Day traffic Jam to occur. Worry about cars going 80-85 flying past people unsafely, not the regular commuters just trying to keep traffic flowing.


Fuck! 80mph is flowing traffic is safer than 55-65 mph traffic filled with road ragers trying to zap the dicks in front of them blocking traffic as they putz along with laser beams coming out of their eyes.


Needless to say I'm sure he heard the 3-4 cars including me floor it when he hit the exit ramp. One was a pretty loud Mustang that took the fuck off :)


I agree, but take into consideration everyone is watching him. He HAS to do the speed limit for the public. Otherwise how would it be fair for him to write speeding tickets?

But you make sense, slowing traffic down that bad makes it worse and more probable to cause an accident with idiots riding other people's bumpers.

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Right. And thats worse for traffic to seperate like that. Traffic isnt caused by people going too slow, its caused by tooany people doing too many different speeds. A lot of research has been done to prove that theory.
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I agree, but take into consideration everyone is watching him. He HAS to do the speed limit for the public. Otherwise how would it be fair for him to write speeding tickets?

But you make sense, slowing traffic down that bad makes it worse and more probable to cause an accident with idiots riding other people's bumpers.


I see cops doing illegal shit all the time. It doesnt benefit me any to call and harrass his boss. Thats why cops who let people do 15-20 over esp when it has no risk involved ie. At night or little traffic; those are the cops i respect.

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I agree, but take into consideration everyone is watching him. He HAS to do the speed limit for the public. Otherwise how would it be fair for him to write speeding tickets?


Yes/No. If a cop goes 70-75mph no one cares and everyone just moves the hell over and let's him go by. Then the rest of traffic can then flow between 65-75mph and life goes smoothly.


Dicks like today just cause everyone to get frustrated and pissed and drive in bunches and then when he leaves hell breaks loose and all in all it's more dangerous. LEO's who act like 10-15mph variances on the freeway is the end of the world need to loosen up IMO.

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I'm not saying anything bad about cops that do let people go 15 over or whatever that's a good thing!. I'm just saying he is under a microscope at all times in the public eye.

Just because a cop is doing over the limit doesn't mean he is just driving over for the hell of it. Maybe he is responding to a call that he/she can't or shouldn't use the lights and sirens(domestic violence). Or maybe he is just doing 10-15 over because he is going with the flow of traffic lol.


There is nothing in the ORC that says its ok/legal for emergency vehicles to speed. Nobody is perfect, everyone speeds or breaks the law, sometimes you just get caught.

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