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Raccoon Babies


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Raise one of them. They can make some cool pets


+1 for this. They are like a smarter, less-shedding cat with almost hands. They litter-train pretty easily, more so than puppies. If you don't have kids already, a raccoon will teach you things about baby-proofing your house that you will NEED to know.

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Tractor, is this you?


You cannot relocate a trapped nuisance animal (illegal). If you don't own a gun or are in city limits, you have to dispose of it somehow.

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we once had one as a pet. They're awesome. Playful, awesome to watch and surprisingly will always try to cuddle with you. We kept ours for close to a year before setting it loose on our property. Sadly, one of our coon dogs eventually caught it lol
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Highly illegal


I can say first hand that Cbus police in my area don't give a damn.


Several years ago my nieghbor and I trapped a mother and several baby Ground hogs live, and relocated them to the fenced off area off of Federated Blvd. A Columbus cop came by as we were there with a truck bed full of cages. He just watched as we let them go.


Not one fuck was given that day. Illegal or not, I'd do it again.

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Tractor, is this you?


Hey, I'm all for coons as pets. A neighbor down where I grew up had several. He got tore up bad by one of them once. He was walking down the road with it on his shoulders and someone blew their horn and waved as they passed him which scared the coon into going crazy on his head.

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I can say first hand that Cbus police in my area don't give a damn.


Several years ago my nieghbor and I trapped a mother and several baby Ground hogs live, and relocated them to the fenced off area off of Federated Blvd. A Columbus cop came by as we were there with a truck bed full of cages. He just watched as we let them go.


Not one fuck was given that day. Illegal or not, I'd do it again.



He probably had no idea. It's usually enforced by the ODNR officers. I think it is a $500 fine per animal. It has a high risk of spreading disease. It's a really stupid thing to do.

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It has a high risk of spreading disease. It's a really stupid thing to do.


Letting them live period increases the risk of spreading disease. I'm not about to just kill babies because they say it's against the law to relocate them. Although your statement about spreading disease applies to a portion of people in Columbus, so maybe I should rethink my actions about ODNR's rules can better apply. Baby Racoons > Trashy Somalian Immigrants

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Take them to your favorite hole in the wall Chinese Restaurant and sell them for $5 ea. :gabe:


Ohh. 'Favorite hole in the wall Chinese restaraunt' not my favorite hold in the wall at the chinese restaraunt cuz I don't stick dead animals in that hole. Also, it's $10 for the hole I'm referring to. Anyway, simple misunderstanding.


As for the coons, there are services who will come and take them for foster home and/or relocation. I don't know what places will do it around here, but I'm betting animal control or the humane society will have info.


As far as the people worried about spreading disease, I understand the ODNRs concern, however, THEY ARE WILD ANIMALS WHO LIVE WHERE THEY WANT ALREADY. That includes a park. Of course, the ODNR can't say to observe the animals, cant make sure you know how to diagnose, cant be sure that you are going to relocate them to a suitable area or an area out of that animal's particular area increasing the chance of spreading any infections that are currently localized so they apply a blanket rule. As far as I'm concerned, taking the animals and dropping them off somewhere safe and nearby would be my choice. Not for everyone, but there's always an alternative to killing them.


Honestly, it would take alot for me to want to relocate them anyway. I'd rather wait for the babies to get old enough and leave with their mother then fix anything and clean up afterward. I enjoy that kinda shit, though.

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Letting them live period increases the risk of spreading disease. I'm not about to just kill babies because they say it's against the law to relocate them. Although your statement about spreading disease applies to a portion of people in Columbus, so maybe I should rethink my actions about ODNR's rules can better apply. Baby Racoons > Trashy Somalian Immigrants


ITT Tim releases the shit out of some rodents then drowns Somalians in a trash can.




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As far as the people worried about spreading disease, I understand the ODNRs concern, however, THEY ARE WILD ANIMALS WHO LIVE WHERE THEY WANT ALREADY. That includes a park. Of course, the ODNR can't say to observe the animals, cant make sure you know how to diagnose, cant be sure that you are going to relocate them to a suitable area or an area out of that animal's particular area increasing the chance of spreading any infections that are currently localized so they apply a blanket rule. As far as I'm concerned, taking the animals and dropping them off somewhere safe and nearby would be my choice. Not for everyone, but there's always an alternative to killing them.
That is the main reason behind it. And I really doubt anyone in this thread that would be releasing wild animals has any of those skills, nor would they be willing to quarantine and observe raccoons or other animals for 10 days.


Also, a Raccoon's home range is something like 300 acres, so taking them to a park 5 miles away isn't really natural.


Honestly, it would take alot for me to want to relocate them anyway. I'd rather wait for the babies to get old enough and leave with their mother then fix anything and clean up afterward. I enjoy that kinda shit, though.


I would say for anyone who doesn't want to kill them, this is the best option.

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