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I've never eaten one drop of yogurt, the shit looks like fruity vomit.


Go to Kroger and get this shit




Its honey flavored, has no nasty ass fruit chunks in it to make you choke. Tastes great, I eat some daily. Just stir the fuck out of it before you eat it.

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OMG Eat healthy and lose weight! Who'da thunk it? They just make it a 'diet' by excluding full categories of food...


Let me guess, they want you to exercise too?

It's more than that, and I wouldn't consider it a fad diet, like Atkins, South Beach, etc.


The hardest part for me would be the grains and peanuts. I eat the hell out of corn and rice and would have a difficult time avoiding foods with these ingredients in them. Also, since peanuts are a legume, you can't eat peanuts or peanut butter. However, you don't go on this diet to lose weight, you do it because you believe that your body isn't meant to eat/rejects certain foods.


That said, a few months ago I went completely gluten free (since my wife is gluten intolerent and I've started drinking the psudo-paleo kool-aid) and I feel great and my acne hasn't been this good for years. The problem is, all grains have some level of gluten, so some groups are pushing paleo as the only TRUE GF diet. I'm not quite ready to make that jump.


You could try these books:




Or read the wheat-free (maybe not full paleo...not sure) blog: http://www.wheatbellyblog.com/ They'll even send recipes to your email if you sign up for the email list.

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A diet named after evolutionary failures?


The first step to any successful it eliminating anything that includes High Fructose Corn Syrup; you're body doesn't know what to do with it, so it just turns it into storage; fat. It is not sugar, fuck it.


The second step is consistent physical activity. Find a hobby that kicks your ass twice a week: I climb. You might try buying an old Italian car and pushing it around every time it breaks down.


Sooo yeah, Paleo seems about right, but you need the activity.


Step 3 is what seems to hang up the chicks at work who always diet and never loose weight: You NEED TO BE HUNGRY. They snack on healthy shit constantly. You are supposed to be hungry for a certain percentage of the day. If you're not hungry, you're not going to burn anything. Schedule your meals and do not snack.


I fucked around with trying to diet for for about 10 years. Climbing regularly and cutting out bullshit food whose contents I can't mentally picture (WTF does Xanthan gum look like?) took me from 220 to 185, and I enjoyed every minute of it. The food tastes good, climbing is fun, and the girls at the climbing gym are cute. I'm also running my first marathon in a few weeks, I remember when I struggled to do 3 miles.


Live like an animal.

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actually it was this that got me interested in it.








I'm hoping to do a weekend this fall without bringing any food with me.

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If a diet has a name, it is merely a fad/trend/bullshit. The only way people lose weight is when their calories consumed are less than their calories expended.


The caveman paleo theory is retarded, thinking that the food selection is the answer. Prehistoric man ate little food, and when he wasn't eating he worked his ass off finding food to eat and running away from dinosaurs - near constant exercise (surprise!).

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If a diet has a name, it is merely a fad/trend/bullshit. The only way people lose weight is when their calories consumed are less than their calories expended.


The caveman paleo theory is retarded, thinking that the food selection is the answer. Prehistoric man ate little food, and when he wasn't eating he worked his ass off finding food to eat and running away from dinosaurs - near constant exercise (surprise!).

Simply not true. You are taking the stance that calories are calories, no matter where they come from, and that's just plain wrong. WHAT those calories are, where they come from, how they spike you insulin levels, how you body digest's them, etc. is all very important. There are plenty of studies out there that are linking wheat consumption to a multitude of illnesses, but it's also the reason the population is as large as it is.


I would urge you to watch this series:

is you really are interested. Or read http://www.wheatbellyblog.com, or his book Wheat Belly. These are the reasons more and more people are going Paleo or GF/wheat free (or what I would call partial paleo due to some similarities).
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