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pure big brother bullshit


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The sick thing is that in our history classes we will mock dictators for how they ran their spying governments, yet this is what we are turning into. These god dam tree hugger/we love the world people are making it so that its bad to fail in a competitive situation or to have to figure shit out on your own. They play right into this "new" government need to spy on everything in order to honestly protect their budgets, payroll, etc... because they will be used as some social good project to protect everyone. Somehow we are having budget shortfalls across the board, but we can put this black box shit in every new car after 2015?


For example, what it the use of this "war on drugs" when we allow our borders to be wide open? Then if you say if your against illegal immigration, your racist? If we are so concerned about peoples safety, why in the fuck do we still allow cigarettes or alcohol considering it has been proven time and time again to kill thousands of people


I'm speechless.

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Your are spot on because the majority have turned into cock sucking, cappa chino loving, race card pulling, self serving shit heads. They will throw away our personal rights for their own personal gain.


I routinely get a dirty look from my in laws because I say one of their kids needs a bully in his life to man the fuck up.


Just think of the damage of BET has done to black america because they have for 10+ promoted ignorance, stealing, killing, clicks, etc. Then if you say your acting ******ish to one of them, your racist. Race card all the way to live of the government.

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I dont know how race necessarily plays into the thread topic, but I have never met a person who has said to me "you know, I wish the govt was more involved in my life". That being the case why are citizens not up in arms over a topic such as this. In reality if this wasnt brought to my attention I would have no clue. Now thats my fault, I understand this and feel that 99% of society are the same way. When I hear it, I am pissed and dont feel its right but in reality I wont remember even seeing this until I come across it again in passing. Is that what we have become just bending over and accept it(no homo) and if so is it completely my fault or have I been molded into feeling that way by design?
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Unfortunately what you'll hear from most is:


A. If you are not doing anything wrong, why would you care?

B. You are some kind of conspiracy nutjob. The benefits to society as a whole far outweigh your petty privacy concerns.


Until Americans demand a rollback of the Bush era domestic spying laws as well as a comprehensive federal *anti* surveillance statute, things will just get worse because they can.

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This black box would get hacked, disabaled, and people would be getting in legal trouble for doing so. This is like ripping the tag off your mattress. It's that kind of stupid pain in the ass. For 75% of the people, probably a good idea and would work on them. Catch drunk driver, and get people who don't pay their taxes; whatever. For us car guys, it catches us if we break the law on the roads. Will it have the ability to tell if you're at the track? What if you go off roading. It better act like a Lojack to catch people. How long before it's required in ALL cars registered, in order to register it? Are they going to madke you buy it and then you get the $ back with your tax money? This sounds a lot like the cars from the movie, Demolition Man.
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Sounds like a great business opportunity with some time to prepare. On one side of the issues, I like the concept but not much. I only say this as I remember several years back when there was a LEO killed on 270 near the east side and they used the Black Box from the drunk drivers Blazer to determine his speed and actions prior to the wreck.


In the end though, I would not blink when it comes to modifying the box or it's capabilities of doing it's job. Where there's a will, there's a way. In fact, I'd even go so far as taking the car on a 1-2 day test drive prior to officially taking delivery of it and having it done then.

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Oh this will get hacked, no doubt about that. Apple releases a new ios and it gets hacked in a week. You really think GM is going to be able to do this right? Yea right
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We need to do away with congress as a whole and move everyhing to an annual popular vote when it comes to laws, and the presidential election for that matter needs to move to a popular vote. It's not like we dont have the technology.
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This was written and submitted by the insurance lobby, why is anyone surprised.


It's a handy way to establish fault in an accident, would be welcomed by anyone who's ever been fucked by a lack of witnesses. If you want to still drive like an ass and crash into people, get a car made prior to 2015 and you're golden.

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