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Mods = Bitches

Guest Hal

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So Hal calls the dipshit loser forever fat mods out and only wnaplay responds? There needs to be some kind of "come to Jesus" (sorry Jews) about mods following some sort of fucking rules or guidelines like real men and not d-bags with a small penor complex.
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Hal wins thread.


WNAPLAY looks more like someone who you really shouldn't let anyone play with, for fear that the derp is contagious.


This is nothing new. Mods and admins have been tossing their (considerable) weight around on here since this site came to be. (This coming from a former mod AND a fat guy) The truth is that there are only two rules on here that really bear any type of enforcement,


1. No threats

2. No racism/homoism/sexism (and even that rules has liberties taken with it on a daily basis)


If you are a mod, and you find yourself banning/infracting/making miserable any user for issues not covered by those two rules, (with the possible exception of the sig pic size rules) you need to take a look at yourself in the mirror and maybe go outside for a bit. Play with your kids or your wife or something.


Trolls troll, and really, what does it fucking matter?


Smart people call dumb people dumb, and dumb people do, well, dumb things...but really, it doesnt matter?


Poor folks are jealous of middle class folks, who are in turn jealous of rich folks, who are in turn jealous of D. Wiggs, except that he's dumb...but you know what, none of that fucking matters.


You guys with little dicks wish you had dicks the size of us guys with big dicks, and we wish we had dicks the size of Brian Carter, but none of that matters either.


The black guys wish they were white, the white guys wish they were me, and almost all of us wish we were Tilley, but who cares?


Seriously, team, the internet is only as "cereal" as you make it, and the mods have a tendancy to make it way more "Total" than "Fruit Loops", if you get my meaning.

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Seriously, team, the internet is only as "cereal" as you make it, and the mods have a tendancy to make it way more "Total" than "Fruit Loops", if you get my meaning.

I would have gone for a Cheerios to Fruit Loops comparison. Still gets the meaning across but it's a more balanced representation of the looped cereal demographic.





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