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Mods = Bitches

Guest Hal

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Hal can say what he wants, it still doesnt change that he's one of the people that needs moderated. There should be no need for moderators, but some people just cant be cool.


Same reason there are Managers. If employees did what was required without question there would be no Middle Class


















































































The Aliens are watching you right now.

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The same thought process applied to ebattles brings to light its requirement of wit and some intelligence. Of all the things that have been mentioned, in terms of a contest, an intellectual battle would make the most sense. Maybe intelligent people should be in charge of the site. That might make too much sense, instead we have people like Jason and Cordell in charge. Jason couldn't even last the first page without getting annihilated by his own arguments, and Cordell's lack of use is just obvious.


Now you know that with CR intelligence for ebatttles is defintley optional.



Ebattle Check List

1. Can you properly use to post unfunny pictures?

2. Do you own a device with internet?

3. Can you spell (phonetically is acceptable)?

4. Do you know English?

5. Are you able to see the forum?


If you answered yes to 2 or more of the listed question you are qualified to ebattle on CR. Go get em champ!!!


*Note: If you answered no to question 2 or 5 you are qualified, however you will not be able to participate. Now that I think of it you wont even know you are qualified unless you borrow a friends device that is on CR who shows you the checklist. In this case you could post on their device but you will probably get them banned so dont do that.

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Still trying with all your might. Chugg little engine chugg. I really should just delete this thread, I dont want this to be your legacy I will not let you be remembered this way.


I was thinking of excusing myself as you have become an embarrassment of your former glory, but then again as now, it to was all in your mind.

Cute, you would think of abusing your power by deleting a thread. If you really think things are going to poorly for me, why don't you just happily let me crash and burn?

Wasted my life building a car? Yes I am very proud of my accomplishments with my car, so first off it didn't take a lifetime, second just because you don't care that it has beaten other cars doesn't mean that the people who did get beat didn't care, trust me the world doesn't revolve around what Hal thinks.


So by your way of thinking anything that is not top of the intellegent ladder is beneath you, hence more proof that you are a diluted peice of shit.


"The greatest of faults, I should say, is to be conscious of none." Thomas Carlyle

Yes, wasted your life. You now admit that you are proud that you made other people care that you beat them. Does it make you feel like a big man when you believe that they care about getting beaten in a meaningless race?


So, because I value intelligence, I am not a piece of shit? I'm glad to know you think I'm only partially shit.

And who do you recommend replace them? Obviously not yourself since you claim to not care about this place (even though you can't stay away)


Throwing a temper tantrum isn't the way to get positive results. It is completely obvious that you are just here looking to argue and start shit. You don't want anything to change because then you wouldn't be able to have your fun causing trouble.


No one needs to be replaced, just removed. Let anarchy reign.


If you believe I am only doing this for fun, why reply and stoke the fire?

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Hal can say what he wants, it still doesnt change that he's one of the people that needs moderated. There should be no need for moderators, but some people just cant be cool.

I have two infractions, one was for not being mean to someone and one was reversed for a misunderstanding. I'm glad to know I need moderating as I am obviously following the rules. You're just grumpy that I disagree with every single thing you do. Keep on getting after me for every rule I break, we'll see how that works out considering the rarity of the event.

Now you know that with CR intelligence for ebatttles is defintley optional.



Ebattle Check List

Can you properly use to post unfunny pictures?

Do you own a device with internet?

Can you spell (phonetically is acceptable)?

Do you know English?

Are you able to see the forum?


If you answered yes to 2 or more of the listed question you are qualified to ebattle on CR. Go get em champ!!!


*Note: If you answered no to the last question you are qualified. However you will not be able to participate.

You have a point. I was living in a dream world where people lived up to my expectations, that however only exists in a dream. Reality is clearly quite different.

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Be Hal- allow some 18 year old nobodies back in 2006 to stroke your ego and convince you your some internet badass to be feared in either the kitchen or the oven. Spend the rest of your time visiting said site trying to convince everyone of it yourself. Repeatedly visit time and time again only to complain how terrible it is with the added feature of now trying to convince everyone/yourself that because you were capable of forming an opinion said opinion must therefore be right.
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Cute, you would think of abusing your power by deleting a thread. If you really think things are going to poorly for me, why don't you just happily let me crash and burn?


Yes, wasted your life. You now admit that you are proud that made other people care that you beat them. Does it make you feel like a big man when you believe that they care about getting beaten in a meaningless race?


So, because I value intelligence, I am not a piece of shit? I'm glad to know you think I'm only partially shit.



No one needs to be replaced, just removed. Let anarchy reign.


If you believe I am only doing this for fun, why reply and stoke the fire?


Another diluted post, so now you think you're the judge, jury, and executioner.


"meaningless" to you doesn't mean its meaningless to everyone, its fun for me and the people who race with me, making it not so meaningless for us involved.


Its a damn good thing that society doesn't all function with your self centered way of thinking.


I am going to keep replying and stroking the fire simply because I feel like it at this point, and my own curiousity gets the best of me wondering what off the wall fuckery you can come up with next.

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Be Hal- allow some 18 year old nobodies back in 2006 to stroke your ego and convince you your some internet badass to be feared in either the kitchen or the oven. Spend the rest of your time visiting said site trying to convince everyone of it yourself. Repeatedly visit time and time again only to complain how terrible it is with the added feature of now trying to convince yourself that because you were capable of forming an opinion said opinion must therefore be right.


I don't even know who you're talking about and I don't believe I posted a significant amount in 2006. If I did, I have little memory of it. Fallacious argument, again.


Like I said to Cordell, I couldn't care less what people on here think about me or my opinions. If I really cared, do you think I would continue to "rage" against everyone on this site? That would be completely counterproductive to what you think I want.

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Another diluted post, so now you think you're the judge, jury, and executioner.


"meaningless" to you doesn't mean its meaningless to everyone, its fun for me and the people who race with me, making it not so meaningless for us involved.


Its a damn good thing that society doesn't all function with your self centered way of thinking.


I am going to keep replying and stroking the fire simply because I feel like it at this point, and my own curiousity gets the best of me wondering what off the wall fuckery you can come up with next.


What was my post diluted with? Was it water?


So you derive your life's pleasure from racing people and are proud of that? Nice job, I'm glad you have fun with your meaningless activity.


Society is very self centered. Maybe if you weren't wasting your life on a car, you could realize that much of society centers around various definitions of being self centered.


So again, you feel like doing something so it is ok. I feel like doing it, I'm self centered. Nice job there.

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I have two infractions, one was for not being mean to someone and one was reversed for a misunderstanding. I'm glad to know I need moderating as I am obviously following the rules. You're just grumpy that I disagree with every single thing you do. Keep on getting after me for every rule I break, we'll see how that works out considering the rarity of the event.


You have a point. I was living in a dream world where people lived up to my expectations, that however only exists in a dream. Reality is clearly quite different.




Funny gif with an insult to start an ebattle


Your response quoted with this underneath it :gabe:


Your next response quoted with the question "U mad bro?"


Declare myself the winner and go to bed.

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You spend nearly every post trying to convince people how little you care. I believe 99.99% feel the sme way you do, your not special stop trying to convince us you are.


Whether or not you believe how little I care is none of my concern. You've shown your inability to analyze available data, so that's not really my problem.


Again, your argument is fallacious. I don't care and apparently 99.99% of people care as little as I do. If that is true, as you say, how does it make sense to then accuse me of caring enough to try to convince people that I am somehow special?

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Funny gif with an insult to start an ebattle


Your response quoted with this underneath it :gabe:


Your next response quoted with the question "U mad bro?"


Declare myself the winner and go to bed.

It's a sad world we live in.


Does Hal ever make a point?

No, because you disagree with me, I never make a point.

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Be Hal: not post for a month


Come back mOre angry than 15 year old jihadist after a marine burned his Quran.


I've posted throughout the month, I just usually stay in the chatbox. I'm not angry though, if anything I am as amused as the prejudiced marine who burns the Quran.

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What was my post diluted with? Was it water?


So you derive your life's pleasure from racing people and are proud of that? Nice job, I'm glad you have fun with your meaningless activity.


Society is very self centered. Maybe if you weren't wasting your life on a car, you could realize that much of society centers around various definitions of being self centered.


So again, you feel like doing something so it is ok. I feel like doing it, I'm self centered. Nice job there.

-Diluted Di*lut"ed , a . Reduced in strength; thin; weak

-self-cen·tered   /ˈsɛlfˈsɛntərd/ Show Spelled[self-sen-terd] Show IPA


1. concerned solely or chiefly with one's own interests, welfare, etc.; engrossed in self; selfish; egotistical.

2. independent, self-sufficient.

3. centered in oneself or itself.

4. Archaic . fixed; unchanging.


As in any merit your post has is diluted by your self-centeredness. Not to mention that taking 2 different contexts and putting them together like this "you feel like doing something so it is ok. I feel like doing it, I'm self centered." doesn't work. Simply because you are a self-centered person, not based on whether you or I feel like doing anything, but based on your attitude in general. Lots of people got enjoyment out of my car and racing, friends, family, fellow racers, and hence by bringing fun into other people's lives prohibits my actions from being self-centered.

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-Diluted Di*lut"ed , a . Reduced in strength; thin; weak

-self-cen·tered   /ˈsɛlfˈsɛntərd/ Show Spelled[self-sen-terd] Show IPA


1. concerned solely or chiefly with one's own interests, welfare, etc.; engrossed in self; selfish; egotistical.

2. independent, self-sufficient.

3. centered in oneself or itself.

4. Archaic . fixed; unchanging.


As in any merit your post has is diluted by your self-centeredness. Not to mention that taking 2 different contexts and putting them together like this "you feel like doing something so it is ok. I feel like doing it, I'm self centered." doesn't work. Simply because you are a self-centered person, not based on whether you or I feel like doing anything, but based on your attitude in general. Lots of people got enjoyment out of my car and racing, friends, family, fellow racers, and hence by bringing fun into other people's lives prohibits my actions from being self-centered.


I know what the word means, but you never specified how the posts were diluted. Good job, you have no defined your statements, that's a step forward.


Your arguments were never directed at me simply being self centered, in general. You would have needed to make the argument you just made, earlier. So, let's take a quick look. I am no self centered, just because. You have determined, based upon a perception of attitude, that I am definitely self centered. Unfortunately, you cannot back this up with anything. You might be able to say I'm apathetic or that I do not have the capacity for empathy on the internet. Both of those could be backed up much more easily than my being self centered.


Now, you say you cannot be self centered because your actions "positively" affected others. That is simply untrue. Your motivation becomes the determining factor, unless you believe in utilitarianism.

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I know what the word means, but you never specified how the posts were diluted. Good job, you have no defined your statements, that's a step forward.


Your arguments were never directed at me simply being self centered, in general. You would have needed to make the argument you just made, earlier. So, let's take a quick look. I am no self centered, just because. You have determined, based upon a perception of attitude, that I am definitely self centered. Unfortunately, you cannot back this up with anything. You might be able to say I'm apathetic or that I do not have the capacity for empathy on the internet. Both of those could be backed up much more easily than my being self centered.


Now, you say you cannot be self centered because your actions "positively" affected others. That is simply untrue. Your motivation becomes the determining factor, unless you believe in utilitarianism.


While I agree that utilitarianism is a nice thought, I'm not going to say that I buy into all that. You would have to know what I was thinking in order to understand my motivations, and for the sake of argument I did my modifications to my car and participated in illegal racing activities for many different reasons most of which don't make me self-centered excpet for the obvious of how i do things because I want to do them. Of course a lot of what I want to do includes having fun with family and friends as stated earlier, there for I am not nearly as self-centered as you are, since you do things soley for your own means.

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While I agree that utilitarianism is a nice thought, I'm not going to say that I buy into all that. You would have to know what I was thinking in order to understand my motivations, and for the sake of argument I did my modifications to my car and participated in illegal racing activities for many different reasons most of which don't make me self-centered excpet for the obvious of how i do things because I want to do them. Of course a lot of what I want to do includes having fun with family and friends as stated earlier, there for I am not nearly as self-centered as you are, since you do things soley for your own means.


So now you claim to know my motivations for all of my actions? That's quite a stretch, and like your mod buddy Jason likes to use, a fallacious argument. In fact, claiming to even know of any significant number of my actions outside of CR, would be a lie. So, you might want to start over at square one. Maybe by the end of the night you'll be able to make a coherent argument.


P.S. You typically would use the word "means" to describe the method used to reach ends or goals. Like the chick in the other thread, it's a stylistic issue that should be corrected.

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