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Mods = Bitches

Guest Hal

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Good try.

lets post a little truth for the lulz

2.) You and Hal just take the other side, and my life on CR would be boring without you two, so in all honesty I don't hold any hatred tward you two

3.) You have backwards, when referees force people to follow rules people get mad, if people followed rules all the time referees would no longer exist, I don't care what you think I do at work, I get a paycheck every week so I must not suck at it.

4.) Let me guess, good mods are those who don't post much or bother you? Tough shit, I like playing the retarded angry hater mod :fuckyeah:


Hal and I rarely find ourselves on the same side of any argument, so your first point (which you cleverly(?) labeled your second point, because fuck math?) is rendered moot. Expand your sample size, and you will see that if anything, Hal and I have been at best contentious, albeit with a certain level of respect for what the other brings to the table.


I have backwards, forwards, and all other ways, but regardless, I can only infer that you did not engage in any level of actual competitive athletics after reading your second (third?) point. A referee is as much a deterrent as he is a judge. Educate, and inform people of the rules and the consequences to breaking them, and the amount of times you would need to enforce those rules should go down, dramatically.


I have already told you what a good mod is. I don't get mad at mods who "bother" me, as I have never been infracted or banned. I play by the rules all the time. I am offensive in the way I do that sometimes, and that bothers YOU. I am not hating on you because you nazi moderated me, Cordell, but because you would need to AT ALL. Also, your weekly cries for help leave a bad taste in my mouth, and make it impossible for me to have any level of respect for you.


To your last, acting like you are "pretending" (playing) is an insult to the intelligence of everyone who reads this forum. Stop it.

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First off, these kinda threads are landmines, but we have obviously pushed Cordial to the edge of his very existence. Why he continues to post in these things is beyond me. Once you reply, you have already lost. Its a simple formula really. The fact that 5 people got banned over a kitchen thread is evidence enough that some of these mods can't take the heat. (Cordial)

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First off, these kinda threads are landmines, but we have obviously pushed Cordial to the edge of his very existence. Why he continues to post in these things is beyond me. Once you reply, you have already lost. Its a simple formula really. The fact that 5 people got banned over a kitchen thread is evidence enough that some of these mods can't take the heat. (Cordial)


Rip- The Apache

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I think all the trolls should stop trollin for a month, and at the end of may, invite all the mods out for a nice surf and turf dinner but never show. While they are all grabbin their dicks trying to figure it out, well be at their houses fuckin their bitches, raw dog.


I call jonz girl keke

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Can I get Govt benefits for mental disbility? Orion I would love to hear your reasoning behind your comments.


Yes you can actually. There are a whole slew of benefits out there, PM me if you're serious.

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Can I get Govt benefits for mental disbility? Orion I would love to hear your reasoning behind your comments.


I'm pretty sure your post history, even beyond this thread, suggests some sort of mental handicap.

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Can I get Govt benefits for mental disbility? Orion I would love to hear your reasoning behind your comments.


What other reasoning would you require outside of what I have stated up to this point? You would like me to defend my contention that you are LD, perhaps?


EDIT: Hal appears to have answered for me. I will admit that it is possible that my amateur diagnosis is incorrect, but I thought to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it was a handicap as opposed to referring to you as a Wal-Mart shopping, beligerently stupid white trash douchebag. It's still up in the air, really.

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Either of you please prove your point. I expected that sort of comment from Hal despite never expecting him to "go there". But Orion I am shocked. Teaches me to come out and play once a year.


Shocked that I think you are stupid and am willing to say so? You don't know me that well, then.


The proof is in the pudding. I don't have the time or the inclination to go back through your previous posts and call out each stupid thing you have said, I am willing to let my comment stand as is. If you are worried that someone might agree with me without me having to provide a laundry list, I suggest you stop talking, as it can only hurt you at this point.


In addition, I would have to say that Bluewaffle raises a good point. While it may have been a defect of judgement for someone to ask you to be a mod, it was as much a defect of character for you to accept the appointment, especially since you have no incentive. ( Which lends even more credence to the "You must be stupid" argument) The next time I have a shitty, thankless job that needs done for free, expect a phone call.

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