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Why I'm easily trolled.


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  Johnny Bravo said:







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  Alex L. said:


Hey look Tony Stark is here. Must be time to create an electrical generator powerfull enough to run a city and be selfish with it, using it in your chest to keep yourself alive.

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I stopped reading after your stroke.









  Orion said:
Recycled thought is recycled. It's hard being the original.




It always amuses me when folks proclaim that they "really don't care" and "post stupid shit on purpose" as some kind of justification for being made to looka dn afeel stupid by one of the more intelligent, learned members of CR. Both of those arguments are not only incredibly inane, but also flat out untruths.


You would have me believe that you could be a doctor, but choose to be the fry guy at the local McD's because "I just enjoy it more", without any concern whatsoever for any of the other intangible benefits one choice has over the other. In this example, the doc is better paid, more than likely more well respected, and various and sundry other "better" things. Moving the metaphor back into the CR world, and acnowledging that I cannot speak to which of you makes more money, I CAN tell you that Hal is better respected, thought of as more intelligent and witty, and generally seen as a more stable individual than you are.


Now for the second part of the argument. DO NOT try to convince us that you "Do not care" about the perception of yourself on CR. That is a flat out lie. The truth is "you post, therefore you care". There are several message boards that I only lurk on, because I don't care to get involved in the discussion, I am only attempting to locate information. There are several threads on CR that I don't care about, and you will know which ones they are, because I WON'T BE POSTING IN THEM. As soon as you hit "post reply", you have a stake in the conversation, and your reputation is on the line for the duration, even if only in a very small way. I don't even want to get into the psycho-analysis of a guy who CREATES a thread like this, and THEN goes on to try and convince us that he doesn't really care about the outcome. I'll leave that professional level evaluation to Tilly.


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  mjrsplat said:



Lol, got me there. That reads pretty funny, actually.


I'm not trying to be the original


I post because I'm bored and killing time, if I care so much how come I make fun of myself? You seem to miss the whole entertainment angle of reason. You keep posting, so whats in it for you?


Self deprecation can be a powerful tool to improve your standing in peoples eyes. Everyone can get behind a guy that can make a little fun of himself, right? So, making fun of yourself is actually going farther to prove I'm right, and that you obviously care about how you appear to us on here.


If CR is only a source of entertainment for you, then I would postulate that you are not invested enough to be a competent moderator. Indeed, if you really don't care (which, as I said before, is an untruth, but let's assume for a moment, shall we?), then why would you even acquiesce to being a mod in the first place?


Aside from that, your argument does nothing to discredit any of my points regarding "not giving a fuck", or "saying stupid shit on purpose." Neither of those is acceptable behavior for someone in a position of (even limited) responsibility. I think really, your best play at this point is just to go ahead and own that 1.) You don;t actually have any idea what you are doing, and 2.) you are doing an exceedingly good job looking dumb whilst you do it.

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  Orion said:
Lol, got me there. That reads pretty funny, actually.




Self deprecation can be a powerful tool to improve your standing in peoples eyes. Everyone can get behind a guy that can make a little fun of himself, right?


If CR is only a source of entertainment for you, then I would postulate that you are not invested enough to be a competent moderator. Indeed, if you really don't care (which, as I said before, is an untruth, but let's assume for a moment, shall we?), then why would you even acquiesce to being a mod in the first place?


Aside from that, your argument does nothing to discredit any of my points regarding "not giving a fuck", or "saying stupid shit on purpose." Neither of those is acceptable behavior for someone in a position of (even limited) responsibility. I think really, your best play at this point is just to go ahead and own that 1.) You don;t actually have any idea what you are doing, and 2.) you are doing an exceedingly good job looking dumb whilst you do it.


Being a mod makes me the opposite of those who oppose me, its just a title, and with some of the stunts I've pulled surprises me that I still have it.

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  Cordell said:
Hey look Tony Stark is here. Must be time to create an electrical generator powerfull enough to run a city and be selfish with it, using it in your chest to keep yourself alive.


And keep Loki from destroying Earth and your precious Miata along with it, don't forget that you ungrateful cur.

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  Cordell said:
I am an attention whore.


I suck at arguing.


I have crappy spelling and grammer.


I cannot fight.


I am a pitiful attempt at a troll myself.


I get all emo when my attempt at attention backfires.


I like to act gay as it gets a big reaction out of people.


Come at me, see who can get me to log out, bitches.



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  Cordell said:
Being a mod makes me the opposite of those who oppose me, its just a title, and with some of the stunts I've pulled surprises me that I still have it.


Being a DOUCHE makes you the opposite of the people that oppose you, your mod status has nothing to do with it. And given what you started thr thread off with, you seem to be in opposition to yourself.

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  Johnny Bravo said:
And keep Loki from destroying Earth and your precious Miata along with it, don't forget that you ungrateful cur.

In my heart, Loki will always be played by Matt Damon.



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  Jordyn said:
Because god forbid a woman with independence and a little bit of self respect exists on CR. I feel as though your rude attempt at "woman jokes" is in fact your last attempt at being funny. When Patterson posts them, I laugh, because he does it all in good humor. You on the other hand, should focus more on your own self respect. You should also stop posting your "I don't care about what anyone thinks" threads as well, because as it is stated above by someone else, you actually do care. My relationship should be the last thing that you should be concerned about.



Edit: I'm not even this mean.

Edited by Patterson
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  Jordyn said:
If I were to edit my post i would mention that your are my favorite cabrio racing partner, and I ain't even mad :)


You my Dute. It was bad though, even for me.




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  Patterson said:
You my Dute. It was bad though, even for me.





My damn picture won't load. It fit yours so perfectly. Am disappoint.

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Stop painting bulls-eyes on your back. You are way too nice and helpful in real life to have this fucked-up of an internet persona. If you need any help with anything just shoot me a text, call, or come over. Hell, I'll even take you out for a beer. I dont drink so dont think too much about it if I get a sprite. My dad died from liver cancer so I rarely drink. I promise Im not trying to get you drunk and make you pregnant. If you get too deep into this shit just lurk for a while. Log out, find a way to purge your stress, and come back later. Use CR for fun, when it stops being fun take a break.

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