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hill billy welder

Green Bastard

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If I'm wrong sorry, but this is something that has been debated at least since my car audio days back in the mid `90's and I'm sure earlier than that.


I used 1200 or 2400 strand 1 or 2 gauge (can't remember, don't feel like looking) high copper cable and it does carry a load better than welding cable. If this isn't correct then I guess all the top tier car audio competitors have been doing it wrong for decades and could have saved a lot of money using welding cable. Don't really want to derail a nice thread and the welding cable vs copper cable horse has been beaten a long time.


I guess you could have welding cable made of the same material if thats possible and also same gauge, then it would perform the same.


I'm pretty sure it has more to do with the gauge, quality and overall cost than the type of cable. No need to turn this into a giant pissing match though. Hell, I've used jumper cables to weld with before.

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  • 6 months later...

The portability of this is awesome, but if you really want to make a hell of a welder, just wind your own massive transformers, like this fucker:




(in one of his vids, he blows the electric meter to his house when he bypassed the breaker)

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