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Supermoon Saturday May 5th, 2012


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Saturday night around sunset should be a good time to observe the moon at perigee (the closest it gets to earth this year). Since it is a full moon and at perigee, it's commonly called a Supermoon. It should appear 14% larger than it does at apogee, and it should appear about 30% brighter.


Viewed when it is low on the horizon (around 8 p.m.) and with foreground objects, an optical effect will make it appear even larger.


Last year on March 19th, we had the closest Supermoon in over 20 years (dubbed an "Extreme Supermoon"). If you missed that one, you've got another chance at a Supermoon tomorrow. The next moon to be as bright won't occur until August 14, 2014.

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Saturday night around sunset should be a good time to observe the moon at perigee (the closest it gets to earth this year). Since it is a full moon and at perigee, it's commonly called a Supermoon. It should appear 14% larger than it does at apogee, and it should appear about 30% brighter.


Viewed when it is low on the horizon (around 8 p.m.) and with foreground objects, an optical effect will make it appear even larger.


Last year on March 19th, we had the closest Supermoon in over 20 years (dubbed an "Extreme Supermoon"). If you missed that one, you've got another chance at a Supermoon tomorrow. The next moon to be as bright won't occur until August 14, 2014.


There should be a meteor shower occurring tonight and tomorrow night, as well. Given the Supermoon and approach of the Aquarid shower, it maybe hard to see as much. The best time to look is during the hours before sunrise on Sunday.


Also, I believe one month from now venus should pass between us and the sun. Super rare and a once in a lifetime viewing experience. Should be around Jun 5-6th.

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I'd love to be down in the Hocking Hills tonight, I know I won't miss it here in Cbus but it would be that much better viewing down there.


Was thinking that mountain top in the fairgrounds park would be baller for that.

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