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Its basically the same concept as the Allergy shot. If you expose yourself to the allergens on a regular basis, eventually your body will build antibodies against it. Obviously this only targets pollen allergies.


I have VERY severe allergies, nothing seemed to work. Been on Nasonex this year and it has literally changed my life. You can't just spray when you feel the allerges are coming on, you realy have to spray once a day to keep it working right.


I too take Nasonex along with my shots. Good stuff

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Yea I wish it was immediate help, but it's not.


And while your taking shots you can't take certain meds.


And it gets worse before it gets better.


I was almost to the point of getting shots every other week. But insurance stopped paying for them.

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Fiancé came home from work this morning and for some reason stated that a Dr. At the hospital told her that 3 glasses of lemon water a day, lower the histamines in your body. He told 1/2 lemon to a glass of water. Think I'm going to try this as I have horrible allergies and zyrtec/clariton do nothing for me
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Fiancé came home from work this morning and for some reason stated that a Dr. At the hospital told her that 3 glasses of lemon water a day, lower the histamines in your body. He told 1/2 lemon to a glass of water. Think I'm going to try this as I have horrible allergies and zyrtec/clariton do nothing for me


Thanks. I'm willing to try anything at this point.

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Trying to find a local allergist. I hate "the boys club" that exists in small town medical care. No one will give referral if you are not in there medical group.


Trying to find something local not looking too good.

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Hey, can't miss what you didn't have in the first place. :dumb:


That was just the response of a over medicated irritable man who just wants to be able to go outside and be normal.

Nothing personal.

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I also have horrible allegies. But funny that it only started when i turned 30.


Tried many different types of pills. One that has been working for me is Xyzal. It's prescribed, was paying about $80 for month supply. They now have generic out and it's like $20.


Give that a try.



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I have been an allergic mess all my life. No food allergies, just environmental. I perpetually was sick as a little kid. I was always getting bactrial infections and pneumonia a few times.


At age 5, I got put in the hospital because they didn't know why I was so sick all the time. This was 1980 and the notion of allergy treatment was seen as pretty "voodoo" back then. But this older allergist walked in and told my parents that I have bad allergies.


I started the process back then and it completely changed me. After about a year of shots, my symptoms reduced to a manageable level. The biggest thing for me though was that I hardly got sinus infections and sick through my teen age years.


I continued shots until around age 20 when I moved to C-bus. Everything bad started happening again...


I have basically dealt with getting sick and chronic issues for 15 years. But I finally wised up and went back to an allergist (Midwest Allergy as mentioned here). I have only been back on the shots for 2 months but am glad that I wised up.


When the doctor looked at my back after the skin test, her reaction was hilarious: "wow you weren't kidding. you really are allergic to everything" lol

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  • 2 weeks later...
The past 2 weeks have been fuckin horrible for me. My sinus's are so messed up. Nose running, sneezing.


today was the worst ever, i had a double header in softball last nite and by the end of the nite my right eye was swelling shut. i woke up this morining with my eye glued shut. it took damn near 5 mins to get it open. then around my eye was swollen somthing crazy. finally got my claritin but it was a fucking disaster. idk how much more of this i can take

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Last year was the only year i've gotten allergies. It mainly affected my eyes to the point where I couldnt keep them open to even drive to work.


I got switched over to daily contacts and it cleared right up.

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