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Child custody?

Johny Utah

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Want to see if anyone has done this or known anyone that has. So it may come down to me going to court for full custody of my child. She has no real job no money and the car she drives is mine and lives in my house. I moved out. We were never married. What are the chances I would get full custody? Also I have a perfect police record driving record ect if that makes any difference.
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My buddy used an atty named Jessica Mager and she pretty much fucked his ex wife. Lol. He made out quite well in the agreement, and he still to this day posts on FB how much he loved having her, even though its been years since everything was finalized. I dont think she was cheap though, but she did well
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Why does she live in your house and you moved out? Is there a reason for you to go for full custody and not shared? In the courts eyes you pretty much have to prove her to be a unfit mother to achieve full custody. If you want you can pm Me furrther details of the situation and I can tell you a good direction you would want to go based upon that.
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Agree with Killjoy. Here is some info for you though. In Ohio custody automatically goes to mother if your not married until you go to court. So after you file something on her be prepared for not seeing your kids for a few months. If you were married you have equal rights and could through her ass out and keep custody until you went to court. Either way unless she is a crack whore you odds at getting full custody arent great. Good luck to you though.
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^ this. ohio is a mommy state. good luck though. on a seperate thought thought though, how long were you with her? if the house is in only your name I believe she would have had to be with you 7 years to have any rights to your property if you weren't married iirc. common law I believe its called.
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^ this. ohio is a mommy state. good luck though. on a seperate thought thought though, how long were you with her? if the house is in only your name I believe she would have had to be with you 7 years to have any rights to your property if you weren't married iirc. common law I believe its called.


Ohio doesn't honor "commonlaw marriage" iirc

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To be honest, not good. But if you have the money seek counsel. I went over with my case with my lawyer and he pretty much summed it up with what I already knew, she would get full custody.


My advice just prepare yourself that its not going to go 100% your way. My sons mother is the craziest person I have ever met and dont really approve of her redneck ways (she lives in Georgia) but she is doing a good job raising our kid, which is a surprise I didnt see coming. So it may not turn out as bad as you think right now, and Im happy to pay the child support and still get to see my kid.


The only thing that you can control is being a good father, and dont allow the court, her, or lawyers to change that. Good luck.

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All the things you mentioned are not reasons you'd get full custody. In fact, you're actually in a situation she could take your kid, right now, and let you see him/her when it's convenient for her. When you aren't married at the time of birth, the mother has basically all the rights when it comes to the child.

What you're setting yourself up for with your description of her is more leverage for her to get as much child support as the state will allow to make sure your child is secure when with her. Basically, it's very hard to get full custody. You'll likely get shared parenting with a pretty stiff child support payment.

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I agree, it might be tough to get full custody with you 2 not being married. Normally Child & Family Services need to be involved for that to happen, but of course don't know the whole story.


Anyway, good friend of mine is a partner of a Family law office. Let me know if you want his info.

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  • 2 months later...
My buddy used an atty named Jessica Mager and she pretty much fucked his ex wife. Lol. He made out quite well in the agreement, and he still to this day posts on FB how much he loved having her, even though its been years since everything was finalized. I dont think she was cheap though, but she did well


What firm does she work for?

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Located here in Columbus and they offer a free consulation. They can walk you through all the decisions you will have to make to satisfy the judge. For a very small fee they can put your agreement into language that an attorney can easily present for a divorce. My ex and I used their services and it saved a bunch of money in legal fees.

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Your gonna have to have solid prrof that she is unfit or your child in in danger. Outside of that, you technically have no rights until paternity is established. You better get a lawyer and get a DNA test done. Even then its still unlikely that they will give you full custody.
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